My portfolio: Laia Jiménez

Hi, my name is Laia and now I'm going to talk about me. I’m fiveteen years old and my birthday is the 29th of September. I have one brother bigger than me. His name is Jan. I live in Manlleu, and I go to high school Antoni Pous.

My favourite sport is dancing, I started dancing at 7 years, and I dance in school dance tls. My favourite food is rice and my favourite colour is purple. I love summer, it's my favourite season of the year.

One of my favourite subjects is English because I am learning a new language. I like to cooking and I also draw when I'm bored.

I am a cheerful, hardworking and organized girl, but sometimes a little stubborn. I have dark brown hair and brown eyes.

I would like to explain my future plans. Many times I stop to think that I want to be when I grow up and I’m not very clear, but more or less I have an idea, I would love to be an interior designer, some days I think about being a dancer or a fashion designer but I never decide.