Waste and climate change

Saving food

What I know about the food that is wasted:

Do you know that:

in the UK 70 kg is the amount of food each person throws away each year.

the Uk pays for but doesn't eat up to 11.3 billion of euros of good food each year.

in the UK 1.2 millions tonnes of food is thrown away in its packaging.

20% of the UK's greenhouse gases are assiciated with food production, distribution and storge.

15 million the tonnes of CO2 are used to produce wasted food.

in the UK 466 euros is the money that each house pays for food that is throw away.

every year one-third of all the food we produce around the world is lost or wasted.

What I do to save food:

I reduce food waste by:

not makeing to much.

checking the date on the label and using food in time

storing food correctly

freezing leftover bread

covering and storing food to eat the next day

We have to recycle the trash and don't leave it in the street.

Montessori schools (2).pdf
Waste disposal and recycling presentation.pdf