
My portfolio: Claudia GarcĂ­a Toro

Hi, my name is Claudia, I'm 15 years old and I live in Manlleu. I'm studying in the Ins Antoni Pous i Argila High School in 3rd level. Now I will talk about my hobbies and likes. My hobbies are riding horses I really love that and i'm going to riding classes every Saturday and I also love watching anime and my favourite is Shingeki no Kyojin. I also love watching youtube and tik tok I love entertainning and making people laugh I also love playing video games like roblox, roblox is my favourite online videogames portal, you can select the game and it's wonderful but some things in roblox are disgusting. Now let's talk about my likes. My favourite country is the United States of America. I really love this country but I hate the president, I love the old things and old music but above all Michael Jackson's music, this man is wonderful, i'm so proud to be his fan. My dreams are live in America or Japan i'm very happy that the American president changed I prefere Biden. My dreams are be a singer,actress, take out the racism i'm with #blacklivesmatter movement. I hate racism. I'm considered like a really feminist girl because I want the same rights to all genders, we're humans, It doesn't matter if you're from LGBTQ+ community, Indian, Chinese, Spanish... We're the same. Let's talk about my emotional ways. I can say that I'm a good girl, I have a lot of empathy, I'm so nice and I love to help another people. I give a lot of my empathy, niceness, happiness, laughter, help and all of my good soul. Only if you don't make me mad. I get mad easily, only if you humiliate me, lie in a bad way to me. I can be the most agressive person when I get mad.