
Snina is a city with 20,000 inhabitants approximately. It is located east of Slovakia. It is located in the region of Prešov, it is the capital of the district of Snina.

Angles osona retallat_Petita.mp4

In this video we talked about pollution in Osona. In Osona there are many pollution bacause we are near Barcelona and the contamination come to Osona

Video Erasmus.Escola_Gran.mp4

In this video we talked about our school, Ins Antoni Pous i Argila, the bins, the projects that I like as "the green school". We explain how we reciclate and the activities about that.

I think that is the worse ring because we didn't do many intresting thinks. It's important to be care with the contamination but I prefer talk about othr thinks. I don't change nothing.