Second Ring

EnviroNmental problems in our area

Video Erasmus

The main objective of the meeting in Snina was to work with the topic of "Healthy Environment". There were two main aspects related to the main topic:

1. Reflecting on our environment:

  • Presenting the environmental problems our communities have to face.
  • Activities about recycling and sustainable activities.

2. Doing activities in nature:

  • During the meeting the teachers and students participated in several activities in an outdoor environment.

We worked on these subjects having in mind the cultural competences. We linked these competences to activities related to the cultural heritage of the area (there were wooden churches in the small towns; during those days the Ice Hockey World Championships took place in Kosice)

video erasmus credits - converted with Clipchamp.mp4
escolA ERASMUS - converted with Clipchamp.mp4

First video:

The environment in our area:

In Osona we have a big problem with tha tropospheric ozone, a contaminating and dangerous gas. Many times high levels have been measured in the air and it causes difficulties for people who breathe it.

Second video:

The environment in our school:

Antoni Pous i Argila is a green school, but, what does it mean?

A green school search for refocuse the education to a sustainable development.

In our school, doing trips and activities, we direct the studies to a better way to the envoironment. Beacuse of this, we grow with positive values related to the environment.