
Shielded Laboratory for Quantum Electronics Systems

Low temperatures are at the core of superconducting devices. Ultra-low temperatures below 50 mK are the key conditions that enable macroscopic quantum phenomena affecting current and voltages to be observed and manipulated.

The Laboratory is equipped with a cryogenic system (Dilution Refrigerator) that does not require the use of disposable liquid helium and allows experimental operation 24/7. The instrument is able to host cryogenic experiments in an environment characterized by T <20 mK, B = 10 T, and signal frequencies between DC and 20 GHz. The metrological applications of the Laboratory range from the implementation of platforms for the manipulation of single electrons with interest in ampere metrology, microwave quantum photonics, and experiments for the realization of the electrical impedance unit by means of the quantum Hall effect.

PiQuET and QR - Micro and Nanofabrication Facilities

The PiQuET Team, composed of INRiM, PoliTo and UniTo staff, operates within two key areas of Quantum Technologies (QT):

  • the development of micro / nanostructured materials, devices and sensors and their integration in micro / nanosystems for the industry;

  • the application of QTs, atomic clocks and quantum communication on the territory using optical fibers.

The two themes are interrelated: quantum photonics requires micro/nanodevices, while quantum communication allows the realization of advanced sensor networks and their widespread and safe use.

RF&MW Metrology Lab

Facility composed by a schielded room with strictly controlled ambient parameters fully equipped with top class measurement systems comprising 3 Vector Network Analyzers, two microcalorimeters, a probe station for measurements on planar devices, generators, power meters, etc. The covered frequency band spans from DC to 110 GHz.