English IV

Chromebooks are REQUIRED everyday!!

Teacher: Barbie Barnes

Classroom: #308

Plan: 1st Hour (8:00-9:00 AM)

Email: bbarnes@inola.k12.ok.us




This class is designed to be an advanced instruction level course, building on the knowledge gained through English I, II, and III. Focus of the course will be the study of English history, culture, and literature and how they all relate. Students will be exposed to classic poems, short stories, folk tales, novels, journals, and other works from the classical, romantic, and modern periods of British literature.


  • Chromebook (school provided)

  • Consumable Workbooks Volume I & II (school provided)

  • Headphones (personal)


Throughout this course, the student will learn to:

  • Connect history and literature as well as continue to build vocabulary skills.

  • Continue to build grammar and usage skills.

  • Examine and organize information in a research method.

  • Present various styles of writing.

  • Compose clear, fluid writings that illustrate a clear point of view with well-reasoned argument.

  • Read and understand historical and/or significant works of British literature.


MAKE-UP POLICY: One class day will be allowed for each class day not in attendance to complete the make-up work. It is the student’s responsibility to get assignments following an absence. If a student knows in advance of the absence(s), it is the student’s responsibility to get the work prior to the absence(s) and have it completed by class time. This will aid the student in remaining current in the class. Late papers will be accepted for maximum credit of 50% (half of what the assignment is worth).


Please note that any work found to be copied or to contain any plagiarism will automatically receive no credit. (See Student Handbook.) If what is written is not original, the student must cite the source of the information and give credit where it is due.


Due to COVID-19, students will complete assignments digitally. Students will be using Google Classroom daily as well as consumable literature books and digital textbooks.

Students will be asked to bring these items to class on a daily basis:


*Consumable literature workbook (volume (I or II)


Students will be issued two student consumable literature books (volume I and volume II). These books are required in class daily. Students who fail to bring literature books to class will receive a tardy.

If these consumable literature books are damaged or lost, student is responsible for the $40 replacement fee.


Class structure includes reading, writing/note taking, teacher lecture/modeling, teacher/student discussions, student presentations, student writings, and working cooperatively within a group.

Additionally, these Google programs will be used: Classroom, Docs, Slides, Forms, and Meet.


Multiple stories/plays/novels will be read throughout the year. Some of the material we read may contain mature scenes and/or language. Please understand that these forms of literature will be taught keeping within the context of the situation and how the story is told. If you have concerns over any of the material we cover, please contact me.

Our reading list may include the following literature: Beowulf, Macbeth, the Iliad, the Canterbury Tales, A Modest Proposal, In Cold Blood, Their Eyes Were Watching God, and Catcher in the Rye.


Few films/film clips will be viewed in this course. However, film is an important component to literary study. Students and parents should be aware that though everything viewed for study in this class is appropriate for the curriculum, it may be rated PG-13 or R. However, scenes that are especially graphic or violent will be edited. Students will not view anything that is not essential to the curriculum of the course.


  • Grades are made up of daily work/homework, class participation, written and oral class work, quizzes, warm-ups, response logs/journals, binder grades, timed writings, and tests.

  • Grades are based on percentage, commitment, and motivation.

  • It is of the utmost importance students keep up with their assignments.

  • Grade scale: A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = Below 60

Students and parents are encouraged to follow progress throughout the semester by accessing the grading system online (Wengage).