Meet the People on Your Ballot

As a nonprofit 501c3, Innovate Public Schools cannot and does not endorse candidates. Every single candidate for office makes decisions that affect our children and communities. We hope our guide and candidate forums help you get to know the people running for office and share your perspective and priorities with them.

What a School Board Does

School boards will decide when and how schools reopen. Their top responsibilities include setting the vision and goals of the district, adopting policies in line with those goals, hiring and evaluating the superintendent, approving the annual budget, approving or denying new charter schools and deciding whether existing charter schools can stay open, and being accountable to the public for providing a great public education for all students.

What the County Office of Education Does

The County Office of Education has oversight of local school districts - reviewing and approving all school district budgets and Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAPs). They also coordinate and provide some services such as professional development. Most also operate some programs that provide services directly to students such as special education programs for students with rare disabilities, special day schools for students who have been expelled, and court schools for juvenile offenders. Many also run Regional Occupational Centers/Programs (ROC/Ps). The board also can approve or deny charter schools that were denied by local districts on appeal.

What a City Council Does

The city council governs the city, working to make sure it’s a safe and livable community. Important responsibilities include zoning, approving what developments can be built, and setting policies on housing like how much is affordable and protections for renters. The council also oversees the police and fire departments and libraries, fixes local streets, maintains parks and community centers, and runs recreational programs for youth and seniors.

Find Your Candidates

Other Things to Know

Voter registration deadline is October 19! Find out the multiple ways to cast your vote in this upcoming election, including voting with a mail-in ballot automatically sent to all registered voters.

Innovate Public Schools endorses two statewide propositions. Learn why Propositions 15 and 16 are critical for advancing educational opportunity in our state.

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