Workshop preparation

Getting prepped

It's great you are attending! In order for the workshop to work out as smoothly as possible, please:

  • Make sure you have R version > 3.2.0
  • Install the following packages from CRAN: ggplot2, ggmap, RColorBrewer, devtools, sp, mgcv, dplyr, fields, rgeos, rgdal, shiny, spatstat
  • Install the TESTING version of INLA using
install.packages("INLA", repos="")
  • After installing INLA, restart your R session and check that the command library(INLA) works without problems
  • INLA will be installed into you local library for R packages. If you know where to find the library, make a backup of the INLA folder. During previous workshops we observed that under rare circumstances the INLA library is deleted when running the following commands. Restoring you backup is easier than re-installing INLA :)
  • Install the fmesher package using
library(devtools); install_bitbucket("finnlindgren/fmesher@default")
  • Install inlabru using

Note: We do not plan any major changes to inlabru before the workshop, but we might fix some minor things here and there. Therefore, please update inlabru (same command as above) again right before the workshop.

Reporting problems

If you run into error messages or other problem please provide us with some details using this form. This will help us a lot to improve inlabru!

Slides, Practicals and Solution

... can be found here.

Known issues

  • After loading a newly installed package I get an error saying XXX.Rdb is corrupt. Explanation: Some packages require restarting R after the package installation. If the package is installed and loaded (using library(..)) the package might even be deleted completely. Solution: Restart your R session, install the package, restart R again and load the package.
  • Function "startsWith()" could not be found. Explanation: This function is part of the base R package and was introduced only recently. Solution: Update R