Presenter Tools

Participant Engagement Videos

The video library is a repository with video resources to consider integrating into your session to ensure participants feel included and engaged. 

#1 Purpose-First Design  

A lot goes into planning an in-person conference, and participants may travel long distances to attend. This video will share strategies to ensure the session you plan helps participants achieve specific outcomes. If you've ever wondered how to get participants to take action when they return to their office, this video will give you some tangible steps to take in your next session. 

#2 Inviting vs. Welcoming  

Apply micro-adjustments to the 5-10 minutes before your session begins and the first few minutes of the session to dramatically improve your participants' experience and whether they find a connection with their fellow participants. 

#3 Facilitation Techniques 

Facilitators hold space for important conversations and learning. A clearly communicated structure for that space helps participants feel safer because they understand the rules of engagement. For instance, they are clear about how or when to ask questions. Speaking of questions, you can improve Q&A and end the session strongly in several ways. 

#4 Accessible Presentations 

You can make specific changes in your presentation materials to make them more accessible to participants who are blind or have low vision, Deaf or have hearing loss, or have ADHD or autism. Watch this video before working on your slideshow so you can incorporate these changes more easily. On behalf of your participants, thank you for making an effort to make your presentation more accessible. 

Essential Speaker Checklist

speaker Checklist

Want to Connect?

If you have questions, please contact Dr. Tessa Sutton to schedule a meeting.