PRObing the METallicity Evolution
of the Universe with Spectroscopy

Charting metals in extragalactic
stellar populations
across time and environments

INAF-Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory in Firenze, Italy, invites applications for 

one postdoctoral research position in the field of galaxy evolution

with Dr. Anna Gallazzi and the PROMETEUS team

as part of the PROMETEUS project (PRIN MUR 2022, PI F. Mannucci)

on the topic 

Charting metals in extragalactic stellar populations across time and environments”. 

The research activity of the successful candidate will be aimed at studying the stellar metallicity and chemical abundances in galaxies at different cosmic times and environments.

Call in Italian & English

Deadline November 17th 2023, 23:59 CET

Depending on the candidate’s expertise and interest, the research can be both observationally-oriented, exploiting and interpreting data already or soon-to-be available to our group (e.g. VLT/LEGA-C, WEAVE-StePS, VLT/MOONS-MOONRISE), and theoretically/computationally-oriented aimed at developing and validating methods for the measurements of chemical abundances in stellar populations. Supporting experience with galaxy evolution models, particularly related to chemical evolution, will also be of interest.

The successful candidate will have the opportunity to join an active and lively research group at INAF-OAA including Anna Gallazzi, Stefano Zibetti, Filippo Mannucci, Giovanni Cresci, Francesco Belfiore, Alessandro Marconi (University of Florence) and the Arcetri extragalactic group.

Our group is directly involved in large, deep spectroscopic surveys at intermediate redshift z<1 (LEGA-C, WEAVE/StePS, 4MOST/StePS) and at higher redshift z<2 (MOONS/MOONRISE). Our in-house developed spectral fitting tool (BaStA) enables the homogenous analysis of various spectroscopic datasets across cosmic epochs and environments. The successful candidate will bring her/his own expertise to analyse and interpret these datasets and/or to further develop our analysis tools. She/he will have the opportunity to connect to our network of national and international collaborations.

Main conditions:

Main Requirements (to be met at the deadline):

PhD in Physics or Astronomy or equivalent, or alternatively Master Degree in Physics, Astronomy or equivalent plus at least three years of research experience (see call for more details)

Preferential expertise:


Deadline: Nov 17th 2024, 23:59 local time in Florence (CET)

 The application procedure is described in detail in the official call in Italian. A simplified version in English is available here

For information or support with this application, please write to,,

INAF-Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory is an equal opportunity employer and all minorities are encouraged to apply.