
Image credit: ESO. Acknowledgement: Aniello Grado and Luca Limatola

Fornax papers based on meerkat data

Star formation histories in the Fornax A group

Loubser, Mosia, Serra et al. (2024), MNRAS, 527, 7158

The star formation history of galaxies in the Fornax A group reconstructed based on SALT optical spectroscopy. We find the pre-processing stage defined by Kleiner et al. (2021, see below) to be related to the recent specific star formation rate of galaxies in the group, in particular when measured in the outer regions of the stellar disc.

The rapid removal of HI from dwarf galaxies in the Fornax cluster 

Kleiner, Serra, Maccagni et al. (2023), A&A, 675, A108

A study of the HI content of dwarf galaxies in the MeerKAT Fornax Survey covering 50% of the survey footprint.  We show that the few HI-detected dwarfs have as much HI as similar galaxies in the field, and reveal a population of strongly HI-deficient blue dwarfs, candidates for very recent HI removal. The sample properties imply the rapid removal of HI from dwarf galaxies in Fornax.

NGC 1436: the making of a lenticular in the Fornax cluster

Loni, Serra, Sarzi et al. (2023), MNRAS, 523, 1140

A study of the outside-in transformation of the Fornax galaxy NGC 1436 from a spiral into a lenticular morphology. This galaxy hosts an inner, gas-rich, settled, star-forming disc and an outer, gas-poor, quiescent disc. Our deep HI data show no indications of recent interactions. Our stellar populations study reveals a starburst occurred ~ 5 Gyr ago, likely during the first infall of NGC 1436 into Fornax, followed by fast and slow quenching of the star formation activity in the outer and inner disc, respectively. This work is based on a combination of MeerKAT, ALMA and MUSE data, and includes a comparison to simulations.

MeerKAT Fornax Survey description and first evidence of ram pressure in the Fornax galaxy cluster

Serra, Maccagni, Kleiner et al. (2023), A&A, 673, A146

This is the survey description paper, meant as a general reference for the survey, where we also present the first unambiguous evidence of ram pressure shaping the distribution of HI in the Fornax cluster: six galaxies with one-sided, star-less HI tails radially aligned within the cluster and with velocity gradients consistent with the direction of the ram-pressure wind given the galaxies' motion along the line of sight. The disturbed optical morphology of all host galaxies supports the idea that the tails consist of HI initially pulled out of the galaxies' stellar body by tidal forces. Ram pressure was then able to further displace the weakly bound HI and give the tails their present direction, length and velocity gradient. 

A depolarizing HI tidal tail in the western lobe of Fornax A

Loi, Serra, Murgia et al. (2022), A&A, 660, A48

First measurement of the magnetic field in an HI tidal tail formed during a galaxy merger. The tail is a remnant of the formation of NGC 1316 / Fornax A, and we could measure the magnetic field strength thanks to the tail's depolarizing effect on the western  radio lobe of Fornax A. This work is based on a combination of MeerKAT and ASKAP data.

AGN feeding and feedback in Fornax A: kinematical analysis of the multi-phase ISM 

Maccagni, Serra, Gaspari et al. (2021), A&A, 656, A45

A detailed study of the recurrent feeding/feedback cycle regulating the nuclear activity of Fornax A. This work is based on the analysis of the spatial distribution and kinematics of neutral atomic, molecular and ionised gas in Fornax A and combined observations from MeerKAT, MUSE and ALMA. The properties of the multi-phase interstellar medium are consistent with what is expected if the AGN activity is regulated by chaotic cold gas accretion.

A MeerKAT view of pre-processing in the Fornax A group

Kleiner, Serra, Maccagni et al. (2021), A&A, 648, A32

Deepest HI image to date of the Fornax A group, showing diverse HI morphologies and plenty of HI clouds, tails and streams in the intra-group medium. We study the properties of galaxies in the group in the context of current ideas on pre-processing before in-fall into a cluster. We also show an extraordinarily extended, complex distribution of ionised gas in the intra-group medium, some of it associated with HI, which might be related to the recent AGN activity of NGC 1316 or to interactions within the group.

The flickering nuclear activity of Fornax A 

Maccagni, Murgia, Serra et al. (2020), A&A, 634, A9

A study of the SED of Fornax A from 80 MHz to 200 GHz, including new MeerKAT and SRT data, showing that its nuclear activity has been flickering during the last few tens of million years.

HI gas within and around NGC 1316

Serra, Maccagni, Kleiner et al. (2019), A&A, 628, A122

One of the first MeerKAT imaging papers, presenting the discovery of two long tails of hydrogen gas around NGC 1316 and discussing their implication for the merger history of this galaxy.

Selected papers from related Fornax projects

Our team is involved in a number of projects aimed at studying Fornax at other wavelengths. Here we include a list of selected papers that we have co-authored coming from those projects.

 CO(J = 1-0) Mapping Survey of 64 Galaxies in the Fornax Cluster with the ALMA Morita Array

Morokuma-Matsui, Bekki, Wang et al. (2022), ApJS, 263, 40

The most comprehensive study of the molecular gas content of Fornax galaxies to date, including a comparison with the atomic gas content as a function of stellar mass and star formation rate. It shows that the low star formation activity in Fornax results from a general lack of cold gas (primarily atomic, and to a less extent molecular) and not from a low star formation efficiency.

A blind ATCA HI survey of the Fornax galaxy cluster: properties of the HI detections 

Loni, Serra, Kleiner et al. (2021), A&A, 648, A31

First interferometric blind HI survey of the Fornax cluster, revealing the diversity of HI morphologies of the gas-rich galaxies in the cluster and their likely transformation within and on their way to Fornax. We study the relation between HI properties, stellar mass, CO and star formation activity of these galaxies, and argue that HI removal proceeds faster than a cluster crossing time but at a sufficiently slow pace to keep the galaxies' star formation rate "in sync" with the overall HI content.

AlFoCS + Fornax3D: resolved star formation in the Fornax cluster with ALMA and MUSE

Zabel, Davis, Sarzi et al. (2020), MNRAS, 496, 2155

Spatially resolved star formation efficiency and molecular gas depletion time of galaxies in the Fornax cluster at 300 pc resolution.

A spectroscopic census of the Fornax cluster and beyond: preparing for next generation surveys

Maddox, Serra, Venhola, Peletier, Loubser, Iodice (2019), MNRAS, 490, 1666

The most comprehensive compilation of spectroscopy to date, including published, unpublished and new observations, covering the Fornax area and background volume, providing redshifts for more than 1000 confirmed Fornax cluster objects (galaxies and GCs) and more than 6000 background galaxies.

Complex distribution and velocity field of molecular gas in NGC 1316 as revealed by Morita Array of ALMA

Morokuma-Matsui, Serra, Maccagni et al. (2019), PASJ, 71, 85

Distribution and kinematics of CO within the stellar body of NGC 1316 at ~ kpc resolution.

The ALMA Fornax Cluster Survey I: stirring and stripping of the molecular gas in cluster galaxies

Zabel, Davis, Smith et al. (2019), MNRAS, 483, 2251

Evidence of molecular gas stripping and deficiency in the Fornax cluster.

Tidal origin of NGC 1427A in the Fornax cluster

Lee-Waddell, Serra, Koribalski et al. (2018), MNRAS, 474, 1108

First result on Fornax from our data obtained with the ATCA telescope, showing that NGC 1427A is a remnant of a tidal interaction and not, as previously thought, a case of strong ram-pressure stripping.

SELECTED papers by team members on related topics

Our study of the Fornax galaxy cluster is part of a broader effort aimed at understanding how galaxies evolve in different regions of the cosmic web. Here we include a list of selected papers that we have co-authored on the general topic of galaxy evolution in different environments.

ViCTORIA project: MeerKAT HI observations of the ram pressure stripped galaxy NGC 4523

Boselli, Serra, de Gasperin et al. (2023), A&A, 676, A92

Discovery of a tail of ram pressure-stripped HI and discussion on its origin in a galaxy in the Virgo cluster. This work is based on data from the new Virgo survey ViCTORIA.

The Westerbork Coma Survey. A blind, deep, high-resolution H I survey of the Coma cluster

Molnár, Serra, van der Hulst et al. (2022), A&A, 659, A94

We map the HI content in the inner ∼1 Mpc of the Coma cluster extending out to 1.5 Mpc towards the SW NGC 4839 group. We detect HI in 40 galaxies, of which 24 are new HI detections. We find that ∼75% of these galaxies have simultaneously enhanced SFR (by ∼0.2 dex) and are HI deficient (by ∼0.5 dex) compared to field galaxies. This could indicate either HI stripping of already highly star forming galaxies on a very short timescale, or to HI stripping coupled to a brief starburst phase triggered by ram pressure before eventually quenching the galaxy.

Highly ordered magnetic fields in the tail of the jellyfish galaxy JO206

Müller, Poggianti, Pfrommer et al. (2020), Nature Astronomy, 5, 159

First ever measurement of the magnetic field strength and orientation in the gas disc and tail of a ram-pressure-stripped jellyfish galaxy.

GASP XXVI. HI gas in jellyfish galaxies: The case of JO201 and JO206 

Ramatsoku, Serra, Poggianti et al. (2020), A&A, 640, A22

Surprisingly similar effects of ram pressure stripping on two jellyfish galaxies living  in two extremely different clusters.

GASP XVII. HI imaging of the jellyfish galaxy JO206: gas stripping and enhanced star formation

Ramatsoku, Serra, Poggianti et al. (2019), MNRAS, 487, 4580

Evidence of HI gas removal and enhanced star formation in the cluster jellyfish galaxy JO206, part of the GASP sample. Systems of this kind form a key comparison sample for the MeerKAT Fornax Survey.