Rubin Observatory LSST@Europe4

Shaping the European Contribution to LSST

Rome, Italy | October 24-28 2022

Plenary speakers

Plenary speakers include

Yusra AlSayyad (Rubin Observatory Construction Project | Rubin data processing)

Federica Bianco (Rubin Observatory Construction Project, University of Delaware | LSST Survey Strategy)

Bob Blum (Rubin Observatory | Rubin Observatory Status and Prospects on Operations)

Alexandre Boucaud (IN2P3)

Will Clarkson (Rubin LSST Science Collaborations, LSSTCorporation, University of Michigan Dearborn)

Leanne Guy (Rubin Observatory Construction Project | Early LSST Science)

Zeljko Ivezic (Rubin Observatory Construction Project | Rubin Observatory Status and Ending of Construction)

Lynne Jones (Rubin Observatory | LSST Survey Strategy)

Francois Lanusse (IN2P3)

Raffaella Margutti (Berkeley | LSST Targets of Opportunity)

Michael Jones McKean (Rubin Artist in Residence)

Aprajita Verma (University of Oxford Department of Physics | Rubin Operations)

Steve Ritz (Rubin Observatory Construction Project | Summary and Closing Remarks)

Sandrine Thomas (Rubin Observatory Construction Project | Rubin Commissioning)

Beth Willman (LSST Corporation)

Parallel Session organizers

Sara Bonito & Rachel Street

Agnes Ferte & Eric Aubourg

Meg Schwamb & Mario Juric

Mireia Montes Quiles & Aaron Watkins

Andjelka Kovacevic, Dragana Ilic & Niel Brandt

Aprajita Verma & Graham Smith

Will Clarkson & Leo Girardi

Robert Lupton

Simona Mei & Sugata Kaviraj

Synergy speakers and organizers

Francesco Tombesi

Antonio Stamerra

Emma de Oña

Kathrin Egberts

Giuseppe Bono

Vincenzo Mainieri

Valentina D’Orazi

Kate Maguire

Crescenzo Tortora

Leanne Guy

Micol Bolzonella

Ilaria Musella

Isabella Prandoni

Grazia Umana

Innocenza Busa’

Matteo Monelli

Gisella Clementini

Elena Pancino
Massimo Dall'Ora

Andrea Merloni

Thomas Reiprich

Nataly Webb

Contact the LOC for more information