Codes & Products

The group has been developing over the years several codes for the analysis of numerical simulations and data. We have also made public a few sets of numerical simulations that could be helpful for the community. Here below are the most relevant.


Pinocchio is a code for the efficient production of accurate mock halo catalogs directly on the light cone, taking advantage of Lagrangian PT for particle displacements and ellipsoidal collapse for halo identification.
Pierluigi Monaco, Marius Lepinzan, Chiara Moretti


PowerI4 is a Fortran code for the power spectrum estimation in numerical simulations implementing the interlacing technique and fourth-order interpolation to reduce aliasing. PBI4 is its python wrapper, extended to the estimation of the bispectrum, including redshift-space multipoles.
Matteo Biagetti, Francesco Verdiani, Emiliano Sefusatti


hi_class implements Horndeski's theory in the modern Cosmic Linear Anisotropy Solving System (CLASS). It can be used to compute any linear cosmological observable in seconds, including FRW distances, CMB, matter power and number count spectra. hi_class can be readily interfaced with Monte Python to test Gravity and Dark Energy models.
Emilio Bellini


PBJ is a Phyton code implementing the joint likelihood analysis of the power spectrum and bispectrum adopting EFTof LSS analytical predictions. It has been used in several tests of the model on numerical simulations as well as recent analysis of the BOSS data-sets and it is one of the codes participating in the modelling challenge within the Galaxy Clustering SWG of the Euclid Consortium.
Coming soon!
Chiara Moretti, Kevin Pardede, Emilio Bellini, Andrea Oddo

The Eos simulations

Coming soon!
Matteo Biagetti