Outreach and science dissemination


The deepest radio eye on active supermassive black holes

This is an outreach video in which I briefly explain the main results of the VLA-COSMOS 3GHz Large Project (PI: V. Smolcic) concerning the study and evolution of active supermassive black holes. This video is part of a press release of A&A Special Issue (2017), fully available at:


I am a Counselor for the italian no-profit outreach association AstronomiAmo.

I am weekly engaged in live-streaming events, where I invite professional astronomers to talk about their recent studies. In addition, I am involved in a personal web-column, advanced astronomy courses ... and much more! 

A few examples of my outreach contributions include:

Spazio per tutti - Associazione Astrofili "Polaris"

Outreach lecture: "Supermassive black holes: what do we actually know?" 26/02/2021 (in Italian)

Universo in fiore - corso avanzato 2021 23 marzo.mp4

Universo in Fiore: Advanced Course

Outreach lecture: "Hunting for supermassive black holes" 23/03/2021 (in Italian)