Call for Papers


The 1st GenAI4MoDa  workshop aims to build a community in this area and set the stage for its current research developments from the Academia and the industry. GenAI4MoDa aims to complement the list of relevant topics of the original MDM call for papers, encouraging submissions in the following areas:


Originality: submissions must be original (i.e., not submitted to or accepted to other venues); however, we welcome extensions or revisions of published papers. Also, we encourage submitting early-stage work or position papers.

Anonymity: submissions are not required to be anonymous (single-blind).

Paper Formatting: submissions of papers must be in English, in PDF format, be at most 6 pages in length (including references), and follow the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Manuscript Formatting Guidelines. Suitable LaTeX, Word, and Overleaf templates are available at

Submission Link: all papers must be submitted using easychair through the following link: