
The (many) topics BEE people are interested in...

Research topics

A non-exaustive list of current interests (both general and applied) of BEE people:


(this is to give an idea of what BEE people do... for authorships check the papers!)


Cooperation is unaffected by the threat of severe adverse events in public goods games Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics

Conflict Initiation function shapes the evolution of persistent outcomes in group conflict European Economic Review 

A framework for promoting online prosocial behavior via digital interventions Communications Psychology


Motivating Risky Choices Increases Risk Taking Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics

Delaying and Motivating Decisions in the (Bully) Dictator Game Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics

Ergonomics and nudging for health, safety and happiness (eds. T. Bellandi, S. Albolino, E. Bilancini) Springer

Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries (led by F. Azevedo e al.;  a many lab research dataset) Scientific Data

Game-based education promotes sustainable water use Ecological Economics

The Importance of Informative Interventions in a Wicked Environment American Journal of Psychology

Assortativity in Cognition Scientific Reports

Multilevel Public Goods Game: Levelling up, Substitution and Crowding-in Effects Journal of Economic Psychology

Political ideology and generosity around the globe PNAS 


Prosocial behavior in emergencies: Evidence from blood donors recruitment and retention during the COVID-19 pandemic Social Science and Medicine

Memory retrieval and harshness of conflict in the hawk-dove game Economic Theory Bulletin

Predicting attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning (led by T. Pavlovic , F Azevedo et al. ; a many lab study) PNAS Nexus

Social value orientation and conditional cooperation in the online one-shot public goods game Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

The evolution of conventions in the presence of social competition Games and Economic Behavior 

Situational factors shape moral judgements in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern and Western countries in a culturally diverse sample (led by B. Bago et al.; a many lab study) Nature Human Behaviour 

A New Dark Age? Truth, Trust, and Environmental Science Annual Review of Environment and Resources

Countering vaccine hesitancy through medical expert endorsement Vaccine

Letting third parties who suffer from petty corruption talk: Evidence from a collusive bribery experiment European Journal of Political Economy

Lateral reading and monetary incentives to spot disinformation about science Scientific Reports

National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic (led by Van Bavel et al.; a many lab study) Nature Communications


Personal norms in the online public good game Economics Letters

How conformity can lead to polarised social behaviour PLoS Computational Biology

Pairwise interact-and-imitate dynamics Scientific Reports

When market unravelling fails and mandatory disclosure backfires: persuasion games with labelling and costly information acquisition Journal of Economics and Management Strategy

What noise matters? experimental evidence for stochastic deviations in social norms Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics

Competing conventions with costly information acquisition Games

Imitation and local interactions: long run equilibrium selection Games


When today's rewards are tomorrow's endowments: the effects of inequality on social competition European Economic Review

Evolution and Rawlsian social choice in matching Games and Economic Behavior

The effect of norm-based messages on reading and understanding COVID-19 pandemic response governmental rules Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy

"Do the right thing for whom"? An experiment on ingroup favoritism, group assorting and moral suasion Judgment and Decision Making

The evolution of conventions under condition-dependent mistakes Economic Theory


Intuition and deliberation in the stag hunt game [Supplementary Information] Scientific Reports

Assessing actual strategic behavior to construct a measure of strategic ability Frontiers in Psychology


Signaling to analogical reasoners who can acquire costly information Games and Economic Behavior

Rational attitude change by reference cues when information elaboration requires effort Journal of Economic Psychology

The interplay of cultural intolerance and action-assortativity for the emergence of cooperation and homophily European Economi Review

Signaling with costly acquisition of signals Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

Social coordination with locally observable types Economic Theory

Risk Preferences and the Role of Emotions Economica