Operations Research Techniques and Applications School for Africa (ORTASA)

Dangbo, BENIN, November 20th – 29th 2018

WHAT is it all about


Topics and main speakers


Scientific and Organizing committees


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Operation Research (OR) is an approach to decision-making based on scientific methods including Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Sciences that make use of extensive quantitative analysis. This school is aimed at gathering young researchers, graduate students (PhD and Master students) and professionals from African countries, with outstanding performance and interest in the areas of Operations Research (OR), Machine learning, Systems Engineering and Applied Mathematics. Professionals are hightly encouraged to attend this school that will focus on techniques and applications of OR in areas such as health, transport, communication, logistics, finance and information systems.

The official languages of the school will be English.


There will be two tracks:


ORTASA 2018 will take place in the city of Dangbo, Benin Republic, between November 20th and 29th, 2018. Dangbo is a 100 thousand population town, located at 18 km away from Porto-Novo, the colourful capital city of Benin Republic. Dangbo is the main town and entry point to the Oueme Valley which is the second richest valley in the world, after the Nile valley. The event will be hosted by the University of Abomey-Calavi and its Institute of Mathematics and Physical Science which has been a regional center of excellence in mathematics for the past three decades.

The accommodation for all participants will be in Porto-Novo, mainly at the Songhai Project Center, which is an inspiring place. The aim of the Songhai Project is to help restore the dignity of the Black Man, restore confidence and hope, and offer Africa a new image by removing it out of the cycle of poverty and placing it in charge of its own destiny. The transportation between Songhai and Dangbo will be done by the Institute’s buses. Wi-Fi will be available at all sites.

More information about the venue can be found at http://www.imsp-benin.com/ and http://www.songhai.org.

Scientific and Organizing committees

Scientific committee

    • Brunilde SANSÒ, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal
    • Ouorou ADAM, Orange, France
    • Gilles CAPOROSSI, HEC, Montréal

Organizing committee

    • From IMSP (imsp-benin.com):

Leonard Todjihounde, Joel Tossa, Guy Degla, Jules Dégila.

    • From AFROS (www.afrosocieties.org) :

Charles Malack Oloo, Bernie Lindner, Hatem Masri.


Online application at : https://goo.gl/forms/MXJAa6TH99lePI8I2 before October 24th, 2018 and submit your resume and list of publications. The registration fees are $100.

ACE-MSA will provide a limited number of grants. Priority will be given to female participants from west and Central Affrom West and Central African countries.