Polish-Japanese workshop on differential equations in the complex domain,

Warsaw, September 2-9, 2023 

The main objective of the project is to continue and develop the study of differential and difference equations in the complex domain by a variety of methods: formal solutions, asymptotic analysis, WKB methods, Borel and moment summability, middle convolution, methods of the theory of integrable systems and special functions. The main goal is to strengthen existing and start new collaborations between Polish and Japanese researchers working in these fields.

The workshop will be held directly after the conference "Complex Differential and Difference Equations II" (Będlewo, August 27 - September 2, 2023). We hope that this workshop will be also the excellent opportunity to study of new ideas and to learn new methods, that were signaled earlier during the conference.

We plan to organize two morning one-hour lectures from Monday to Friday and two afternoon one-hour lectures or (less formal) seminars, where works in progress or open problems may be discussed.

Email address of the workshop: 2023-japanpol@impan.pl