Discrete Random Structures
Będlewo, 15 - 20 October 2023
The Mathematical Institute of the University of Wrocław, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, and the Banach Center (Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences) are pleased to announce a conference, “Discrete Random Structures 2023” during the week of October 15-20, 2023.
The conference will focus on discrete random structures and self-similar processes. In the last decade these topics enjoyed an increase of interest among the probabilistic community. This in turn resulted in developments which put self-similar processes on the forefront of modern pure and applied mathematics. Our aim is to bring together experts in probability theory and related areas who have played an important part in this development.
The program covers a number of topics from probability theory:
– branching random walks
– random branching structures
– branching Brownian motion
– Mandelbrot cascades
– random search trees
– random processes with immigration
– Gaussian random fields.
– fragmentation-coalescence processes
– random walks in random scenery
– random recursive equations