On geometric complexity of Julia sets VI  

3-8.08.2025 Będlewo


Conference registration form is under this link.


The organizers of the conference do not authorise any external subjects to arrange or propose accommodation for the participants. If you receive e-mails from travel or housing agencies etc., containing booking offers and requests for sending your personal data or advance payment, you should treat them as scam. 

All official communications will only come from our conference email ( 25-juliasets@impan.pl) or directly from our organizers' institutional emails.


The conference fee is 2000 PLN (approx. 475 EUR / 500 USD at current rates).

It includes full board (three meals a day, tea and coffee during the coffee breaks, dinner) and accommodation at the  Conference Center in Będlewo from Sunday evening, 3 August 2025 to Friday afternoon, 8 August 2025 (with possible extension for Friday / Saturday night). 

If you want to pay by bank transfer, the necessary details are as follows:

Account holder: Ośrodek Badawczo-Konferencyjny IMPAN w Będlewie

Address: Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, Al. Jerozolimskie 7, 00-955 Warszawa, Poland

Account number:

IBAN: PL 48 1130 1017 0020 1467 1520 0002 (payments in PLN)

IBAN: PL 80 1130 1017 0020 1467 1520 0008 (payments in EUR)


Transfer description: Julia sets VI + the name of the participant

One can also pay the fee directly at the Conference Center in Będlewo during the conference (by cash or credit card).

Should you need any financial support, please let us know while you are registering, in the box "Additional information". The deadline to apply for financial support is May 12, 2025. Participants who will ask for the support will be sent information by e-mail by the start of June 2025. We are afraid that, in principle, we will not be able to cover the travel expenses.

We kindly ask all participants, including those who plan to attend virtually, to register by June 20, 2025.