Baby Steps Beyond the Horizon


Sunday 6 August
18:30-19:30     Dinner

Monday 7 August

08:30-09:00     Breakfast
09:30-10:30     Who Would Need Abstract Nonsense? (slides)                         Tomasz Maszczyk (University of Warsaw, Poland)
10:45-11:15      Coffee break
11:30-12:30      (Conjectural) Mathematical Grand Unification (slides)                         Bartosz Naskręcki (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland)
13:00-14:00     Lunch
14:15-15:15      Student talks
15:15-15:45      Tea break 
15:45-16:45      Student talks 
17:00-18:00      Distance, Curvature and Symmetry: a Haphazard Tour through Metric Geometry (slides)                          Alexandru Chirvasitu (SUNY, Buffalo, USA)
18:30-19:30      Dinner
Tuesday 8 August
08:30-09:00     Breakfast
09:30-10:30      L^2 Cohomology of Buildings (slides)                          Tadeusz Januszkiewicz (IMPAN & University of Wrocław, Poland)
10:45-11:15       Coffee break
11:30-12:30       What Does It Mean to Classify? (slides)                          Joachim Jelisiejew (University of Warsaw, Poland) 13:00-14:00      Lunch
14:15-15:15       Student talks
15:15-15:45       Tea break
15:45-16:45      Student talks
17:00-18:00      Weyl's Character Formula (slides)                          Nigel Higson (Penn State University, State College, USA)
18:30-19:30      Dinner
Wednesday 9 August
08:30-09:00     Breakfast
09:30-10:30      The Ubiquity of Hopf Algebras (slides)                          Thomas Weber (University of Bologna, Italy)
10:45-11:15       Coffee break
11:30-12:30       Analytic Methods in Arithmetic (slides)                          Jerzy Kaczorowski (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland)
13:00-14:00      Lunch
14:15-15:15        Student talks
15:15-15:45        Tea break
15:45-16:45       Student talks
17:00-18:00      Noncommutative Mathematics by Examples (slides)                          Anna Wysoczańska-Kula (University of Wrocław, Poland)
18:30-19:30      Dinner
Thursday 10 August
08:30-09:00     Breakfast
09:30-10:30     The Drunkard's UHF Algebra (slides)                         Bhishan Jacelon (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechia)
10:45-11:15       Coffee break
11:30-12:30      The Magic of Far Reaching Arrows: From Groups to Grupoids (slides)                         Byung-Jay Kahng (Canisius University, Buffalo, USA)
13:00-14:00     Lunch
14:15-15:15      Student talks
15:15-15:45      Tea break
15:45-16:45      Student talks
17:00-18:00      Conformal Space-time Geometry: Singularities, Cosmology and Twistors (slides)                          Roger Penrose (University of Oxford, England)
18:30-19:30      Dinner
Friday 11 August
08:30-09:00     Breakfast
09:30-10:30      A Gentle Introduction to Hardy Spaces (slides)                          Agnieszka Hejna (University of Wrocław, Poland) 10:45-11:15        Coffee break
11:30-12:30        Nilspaces and their Applications (slides)                           Yonatan Gutman (IMPAN, Warsaw, Poland) 13:00-14:00       Lunch
14:15-15:15        Student talks
15:15-15:45        Tea break
15:45-16:45        Student talks
17:00-18:00        Mathematics of Stem Cells: Mechanistic Mathematical Modelling vs Single Cell Data Analysis (slides)                           Anna Marciniak-Czochra (Heidelberg University, Germany)
18:30-19:30       Dinner
Saturday 12 August
08:30-09:00      Breakfast