Welcome to Woodmere SUN Community School!

Want to sign up for SUN?

Sign up for Winter SUN! Term is from February 3rd to March 13th!

Thanks for supporting Impact NW's Woodmere SUN program!

What is SUN?

  Hello & Welcome! 

SUN (Schools Uniting Neighborhoods) is a Community School in partnership with Multnomah County Department of Human Services, Portland Public Schools, and ImpactNW. We are a full-service neighborhood hub where both the school and partners from across the community come together to ensure kids and families have what they need to be successful - in school and in life. Woodmere's SUN School is coordinated to provide:

   Meet the Team!  

Kayla Wells, Woodmere SUN Site Supervisor

She/They pronouns

kwells@impactnw.org, 503-734-5423 

Get to know me:  Hey there! I love spending time at the mountain snowboarding, Providence Park watching the Thorns play, sewing and crocheting with a good show or eating vegetarian food from every corner of Portland

Nina Butler, Woodmere SUN Extended Day Coordinator (EDC) & Family Resource Navigator (FRN)

She/Her pronouns

jbutler@impactnw.org  503.916.6373 

Get to know me: Janina "Nina" Butler (she/her) is new to the Sun site at Woodmere. She has enjoyed getting started in this program as after school programs had such a profound impact on her own life growing up. Outside of work, she enjoys crafting and spending time with her beloved fur babies. Nina values her close-knit family and friends, as well as reading and video games