8:10  First bell rings

8:15  Class begins

8:15-8:35  Opening:  flag salute, calendar, weather, special of the day, number of days in school

8:35-8:45  Religion

8:45-9:15  Phonics/Reading

9:15-9:40  Learning Centers

9:50-10:05 Recess

10:10-10:20  Snack and Story time

10:20-11:00  Math

11:00-11:10  Science and/or Social Studies

11:10-11:40  Special of the day

11:45  Dismiss to go home


Monday:  Music

Tuesday:  Spanish

Wednesday:  Library/Technology

Thursday: P.E. (tennis shoes a must on this day)

Friday: PE (tennis shoes a must on this day)