
Ask Mrs Robinson ( if you have questions. 

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4. Battle of the Books

Battle of the Books is a reading competition run by the Christian schools in the Bluewater District. The first one was held in Aylmer, in 2004, and each year since, with 4-10 schools participating.

The intent of the program is to introduce readers to a variety of books, ones that they might not otherwise read, as well as an opportunity to be on a competitive team. 

There are two divisions for students: Junior (Grades 4-6) and Senior (Grades 7-8). Each team reads 10 books that are selected for the competition. At the tournament, teams are asked questions about the books that have been read, and points are awarded for correct answers. 

During the competition, a team of plays head-to-head with a team from another school. Each team, consisting of up to players at a time, works together to answer their own set of questions in 2 rounds: Battle Round has 12 questions with a focus on themes and general details. Players need to identify the book title and author within 30 seconds. Lightning Round questions are about specific details, and the team has 3 minutes to answer 15 questions. Points are awarded for correct answers, and the winning team is declared on the basis of the highest cumulative score.

"Battle Day" is planned for April 9, 2024 at LCS.

Everyone in grades 4-8 is welcome to read for "Battle".  Readers will need to read all 10 books for their level, so though they don't need to be strong readers, they need to be dedicated to reaching that goal.

Talk to Mrs. Robinson if you have questions, or to Mrs. Pasma (Sr coach) or Mrs. Harder (Jr coach)!

5. Library News

Library classes: Wednesdays for Gr. 1/2, 2/3 and 7/8

Thursdays for SK, Gr. 4 and 5/6.