Helpful Preschool Information

You will find helpful PK3/4 information below.

Wednesday Folders / Money / Notes: 

Each student WITHOUT AN IMMACOLATA SIBLING will receive and envelope from the School Office every Wednesday containing notes about school information/activities. Please be sure to put the folder back into your child's backpack after emptying (reading) or adding notes of you own and I will check backpacks.  The folder must be returned each week before the next Wednesday. If lost, please inform the School Office at 991-5700, ext 302. 

All money sent to school should be placed in an envelope with the purpose and child's name marked on the outside. Money (book orders,etc.) should be placed inside folder. Personal notes for me can be hand delivered I will try to respond in time.


I will keep a portfolio of your child's  assessments and a few samples of work. This will be shown to you at conferences and will be sent home at the end of the year. 

Arrival / Departure Procedures

Arrival and departure procedures are outlined in the Immacolata Handbook and general car pool procedures. Please be prompt. Older siblings or car pool friends may walk your child to his/her class during drop off, but parents/guardians are required to pick up preschool students in person.

Snacks / Lunch - Whole School Rule - No peanut products INSIDE CLASSROOMS (Cafeteria ok)

WHOLE SCHOOL RULE.....No peanut products INSIDE CLASSROOMS.  Lunch Cafeteria is ok.

Each day there will be a time provided for the children to eat lunch and an afternoon snack. The school provides the daily afternoon snack. Along with lunch and the snacks your child needs a reusable water bottle.

Lunch & Recess

Lunch recess 10:45 – 11:10 and lunch 11:10 – 11:35 

If you decide to order hot lunch please choose from the order form that will go home.  Send lunch money inside the “Wednesday Folder”.  Please label your child's lunch if bringing. You may purchase milk for your child, with the full school community.

Birthday Celebrations

BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS: The classroom teacher and school office will celebrate student birthdays and ensure all students are made to feel that their special day is treated in an equal manner as his/her classmates. 

Nap Time

Before nap time students will gather on carpet for an audio story on the smart board. Then they will go to their nap spots and I will show a calming lyrical video with soothing imagery (art, animals, etc.) as they lay on the floor and they listen to soothing music. 


A link will be emailed out to parents a week or more before conferences for you all to have the chance to sign up. There will be an email from adminastration in the Knights News and from your classroom teacher.

Classroom Leaders

Every child will be a “Classroom Leaderfor one week during the year. I will provide a schedule to show your child's days. I will provide you with their responsibilities. This will start possibly in early September.


You have received the supply list along with the class list. If supplies are running low, I will inform you if more supplies are needed throughout the year.

Parent Readers

I will let you know a good day and time to invite you to read to the class.  Information will go out by the end of August.   

A schedule will be made to put days/times on your calendar. 

Holiday Parties

We will celebrate a few holidays in the classroom. Parent volunteers are welcome to organize games, crafts and provide treats. 

Halloween                                                       Most likely these will be in the afternoon.

Christmas                                                       Time and date announced later. 

Valentine's Day