Competences acquired during the development of the Project

Organization Skills (Improvement of Professional Competences)

Initially the Project was scheduled to be developed by 2 people. Due to external reasons I end up doing all the Project. Therefore, in order to be able to develope this project, in a remote way and under these unxepected conditions, organization skills were needed:

Results and Delirevables (Contribution to the Host Organization)

When talking about contributing to the host organization objectives, I believe that in the moment that you see yourself involved in a project you should be contributing to it and therefore to the hosting organization, as you are developing part of a research that will contribute to the organization with a new vision and new ideas. Additionally, you are adding yourself as a tool to bring out work.

Documents and results for the Host Organization (among others)

DataBasesCDBv3 - Excel 2020-06-23 14-36-00.mp4

Data set with the information of 234 PPAs (Zones) and 212 MPAs, all the uses allowed in each of them and differenciated according to the Regulation Based Classification System (the initial one and the two modifications) and the MPA Guide.

PowerPoint Slide Show - PPT MPA ATlas 2020-06-23 16-04-05.mp4

Results of the analysis.

(Any information included in this video belongs to the owners - Bárbara Bastos Horta e Costa and Carmela de Benito Abelló - and no one can do use of it)

General Contribution to the Host Organization

Application of acquired knowledge

RStudio 2020-06-22 10-16-32.mp4

The main tool used during the project was R Studio, the open source data analysis software for the statistical analysis,

Modification of Career Aspirations and Future Employment Prospects

Regarding how this project has changed my aspirations for the future, is worth noting that even though I've always wanted to focus on Marine Conservation, this project has shown me the importance of all the analytical work behind the practocal and field work, and how necessary it is.

Therefore I want to continue focusing my future career on Marine Conservation and a very important step forward is that we are going to publish the results of the Project.