

Carbone, L. M.; Tavella, J.; Marquez, V.; Ashworth, L.; Pausas, J. G.; Aguilar, R. Fire effects on pollination and plant reproduction: a quantitative review. Annals of Botany

Venturo, A.; González, E.; et al. A multi-taxa approach reveals contrasting responses of arthropod communities and related ecosystem services to field margin proximity and crop type. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment

Peralta, G.; et al. Predicting plant–pollinator interactions: concepts, methods, and challenges. Trends in Ecology and Evolution

Peralta, G.; Resasco, J.; Worthy, S.; Frost, C. M.; Guevara, A. T.; Manning, I.; Cagnolo, L.; Burkle, L. A. Pollinator intraspecific body size variation and sociality influence their interactions with plants. Functional Ecology


Astegiano, J.; Carbone, L. M.; Zamudio, F.; Tavella, J. R.; Ashworth, L.; Aguilar, R.; Beccacece, H. M.; Mulieri, P. R.; Nolasco, M.; Torretta, J. P.; Calviño, A. C. Diversifying agroecological systems: plant-pollinator network organisation and landscape heterogeneity matter. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment

Caccia, M.; Videla M.; Urcelay, C. Complex relationships between lettuce (lactuca sativa), arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and a leafminer pest in a context of ecological soil management. Arthropod Plant Interactions

Cagnolo, L.; Bernaschini, L.; Salvo, A.; Valladares, G. Habitat area and edges affect the length of trophic chains in a fragmented forest. Journal of Animal Ecology

Calviño, A. A.; Tavella, J.; Beccacece, H. M.; Estallo, E. l.; Fabián, D.; Moreno, M. L.; Salvo, A.; Fenoglio, M. S. The native - exotic plant choice in green roof design: using a multicriteria decision framework to select plant tolerant species that foster beneficial arthropods. Ecological Engineering

Cavigliasso, P.; González, E.; Scherf, A.; Villacide, J. Landscape configuration modulates the presence of leaf-cutting ants in eucalypt plantations. Scientific Reports

Fenoglio, M. S.; González, E.; Tavella, J.; Beccacece, H.; Moreno, M. L.; Fabian, D.; Salvo, A.; Estallo, E; Calviño, A. Native plants on experimental urban green roofs support higher community-level insect abundance than exotics. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening

Grilli, G.; Cofre, N.; Marro, N.; Videla, M.; Urcelay, C. Shifts from conventional horticulture to agroecology impacts soil fungal diversity in central Argentina. Mycological Progress

Knapp, M.; Teder, T.; Vojtech, L.; Strobl, M.; Knappová, J.; Landis, D. A.; González, E. Ecologically-informed precision conservation: a framework for increasing biodiversity in intensively managed agricultural landscapes with minimal sacrifice in crop production. Biological Conservation

Kuzmanich, N.; Giorgis, M. A.; Bernaschini, L.; Tavella, J.; Salvo, A. Galling insect communities mediate the effects of fire on their associated parasitoid communities. Insect Conservation and Diversity

Luna, P.; Villalobos, F.; Escobar, F.; Neves, F.; Castillo Campos, G.; Hinojosa Díaz, I; Cagnolo, L.; del Val, E.; Leponce, M.; Dáttilo, W. Temperature dissimilarity drives flower–visitor interaction turnover across elevation in the Mexican transition zone. Journal of Biogeography

Niveyro, S.; Salvo, A; Laursen, B.;  Fomsgaard, I. Polyphenol contents in amaranth cultivars and their relationship with insect feeding deterrence. Arthropod-Plant Interactions

Peralta, G.; Webber, C.; Perry, G.; Stouffer, D.; Vázquez, D.; Tylianakis, J. Scale-dependent effects of landscape structure on pollinator traits, species interactions and pollination success. Ecography

Pérez Roig, C.; González, E.; Videla, M. Agroecological transition increases arthropod diversity and decreases herbivore abundance on field margins. Agricultural and Forest Entomology

Rotondi, B. A. Rossi; Casanelles-abella, J.; Fontana, S.; Moretti, M.; Videla, M.; Fenoglio, M. S. Floral species evenness is the major driver of wild bee communities in urban gardens. Urban Ecosystems

Souza, F. L.; Fenoglio, M. S.; Angeoletto, F. To be a Brazilian city dweller, sometimes we must learn to say enough! Sustainability

Travesino, D. G.; Beccacece, H. M.; Zapata, A. I. Description of life cycle and immature stages of Yphthimoides celmis (godart, [1824]) (lepidoptera: nymphalidae: satyrinae): a contribution to the taxonomic status of the genus. Zootaxa


Arena J.S., Zygadlo J.A., Defagó M.T. Bioactive essential oil-treated feed as a potential tool for the management of Alphitobius diaperinus in poultry farms. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science

Cardoso Pereira, C.; et al. Subtle structures with not-so-subtle functions: a dataset of arthropod constructs and their host plants. Ecology

Galfrascoli, G. M.; Calviño, A; Chiapero, A. L.; Fenoglio, M. S. Living in an urban pod: seed predation and parasitism of bruchid beetles in a native tree species. Ecological Entomology

Galiana, N.; et al. Ecological network complexity scales with area. Nature Ecology and Evolution

González, E. Robert n. Wiedenmann and j. Ray fisher: the silken thread: five insects and their impacts on human history. Community Ecology

González, E.; Strobl, M.; Janta, P.; Hovorka, T.; Kadlec, T; Knapp, M.. Artificial temporary non-crop habitats support parasitoids on arable land. Biological Conservation

Knapp, M.; González, E.; et al. Artificial field defects: a low-cost measure to support arthropod diversity in arable fields. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment

Knapp, M.; ?E?ICHA, M.; Haelewaters, D.; González, E. Fungal ectoparasites increase winter mortality of ladybird hosts despite limited effects on their immune system. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences

Knapp, M.; Strobl, M.; Venturo, A.; Seidl, M.; Jakubíková, L.; Tajovský, K.; Kadlec, T.; González, E. Importance of grassy and forest non-crop habitat islands for overwintering of ground-dwelling arthropods in agricultural landscapes: a multi-taxa approach. Biological Conservation

Kuzmanich, N.; Giorgis, M. A.; Salvo, A. Fire affects galling insect communities through vegetation changes in a subtropical seasonally semiarid forest. Ecological Entomology

Romero, G.; et al. Climate variability and aridity modulate the role of leaf shelters for arthropods: a global experiment. Global Change Biology

Rossetti, M. R.; Salvo, A.; Videla, M. Attractiveness and nutritional effects of flowers on the survival of a dipteran pest and its parasitoids. Journal of Applied Entomology

Soteras, F.; Camps, G.; Costas, S.; Giaquinta, A.; Peralta, G.; Cocucci, A. Fragility of nocturnal interactions: pollination intensity increases with distance to light pollution sources but decreases with increasing environmental suitability. Environmental Pollution

Vázquez, D.; Peralta, G.; Cagnolo, L.; Santos, M. Ecological interaction networks. What we know, what we don´t, and why it matters. Ecología Austral

Viljur, M.; Barber, N.; Beudert, B.; Cagnolo, L.; Campos, B; Chao, A.; Chergui, B. The effect of natural disturbances on forest biodiversity: an ecological synthesis. Biological Reviews

Windsor, F.; et al. Network science: applications for sustainable agroecosystems and food security. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation


Beccacece, H. M.; Bentancur Viglione, G.; Graff, P.; Morelli, E. Redescription of paracles vulpina (hübner, [1825]) (lepidoptera: erebidae), with comments of the aquatic habit of larval instars. Zootaxa

Bernaschini, M. L.; Rossetti, M. R.; Valladares, G. R.; Salvo, A. Microclimatic edge effects in a fragmented forest: disentangling the drivers of ecological processes in plant-leafminer-parasitoid food webs. Ecological Entomology

Chillo, V.; Vázquez, D.; Tavella, J.; Cagnolo, L. Plant–plant co-occurrences under a complex land-use gradient in a temperate forest. Oecologia

Fabián, D.; González, E.; Sánchez Domínguez, M. V.; Salvo, S; Fenoglio, M. S. Towards the design of biodiverse green roofs in Argentina: assessing key elements for different functional groups of arthropods. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening

Fenoglio, M. S.; Calviño, A.; González, E.; Salvo, A.; Videla, M. Urbanisation drivers and underlying mechanisms of terrestrial insect diversity loss in cities. Ecological Entomology

Peralta, G.; Bertea, F. M. F.; Cagnolo, L. Rethink roads through the Chaco Serrano forest. Science

Simelane, D. O.; Mawela, K. V.; Defagó, M. T.; Salvo, A. Progress and prospects for biological control of Cestrum species (Solanaceae) in south Africa. African Entomology

Viglianco, A.; Salvo, A.; Avalos, S. Especies de Thysanoptera asociadas a viñedos en la zona centro norte de la provincia de Córdoba (Argentina). Agriscientia

Zumoffen, L.; Ghiglione, C.; Signorini, M.; Salvo, A. Use of plants by Myzus persicae in agroecosystems: potential applications in conservation biological control. Journal of Applied Entomology


Arena, J. S.; Defagó, M. T. A novel method for sexing live adult Alphitobius diaperinus. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata

Arena, J. S.; Merlo, C.; Defagó, M. T.; Zygadlo, J. A. Insecticidal and antibacterial effects of some essential oils against the poultry pest Alphitobius diaperinus and its associated microorganisms. Journal of Pest Science

Avalos, S.; González, E.; Mangeaud, A.; Valladares, G. Caterpillar-parasitoid food webs and biological control in two extensive crops. Biological Control

Beccacece, H. M.; Rodriguez-Ramirez, J.; Rodrigues-Pinheiro, L.; Grados, J.; Morono-Brizuela, L. Type material of arctiinae (lepidoptera: erebidae) in the collection of the museo argentino de ciencias naturales Bernardino Rivadavia (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Zootaxa

Bernaschini, M. L.; Valladares, G.; Salvo, A. Edge effects on insect-plant food webs: assessing the influence of geographical orientation and microclimatic conditions. Ecological Entomology

Blanco-Torres, A.; Bonilla, M. A.; Cagnolo, L. Habitat modification effects on anuran food webs in the Colombian tropical dry forest. Food Webs

Boero, L.; Poffo, D. A.; Damino, M. V.; Villalba, S.; Barquez, R.; Rodriguez, A.; Suárez, M.; Beccacece, H. M. Monitoring and characterizing temporal patterns of a large colony of Tadarida brasiliensis (Chiroptera: Molossidae) in argentina using field observations and the weather radar rma1. Remote Sensing

Catullo, J. C.; Arguello Caro, E. B.; Narmona, L.; Muñoz, N. B.; Silbert, V.; Yosviak, I.; Scifo, A.; Prado, A.; Pietrarelli, L.; Videla, M.; Serra, G.; Gaona Flores, M. A.; Viale, V. Knowledge construction in innovative networks for the use of biological inputs in Periurban horticultural systems. Agrociencia

Drewniak, M. E.; Briscoe, A.; Cocucci, A.; Beccacece, H.; Zapata, A; Moré, M. From the butterfly’s point of view: learned colour association determines differential pollination of two co-occurring mock verbains by Agraulis vanillae (Nymphalidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

Fernández, N. F.; Defagó, M. T.; Palacios, S. M.; Arena, J. S. Antifeedant effect of plant extracts on the poultry pest Alphitobius diaperinus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): an exploratory study. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina

González, E.; Landis, D.; Knapp, M.; Valladares, G. Forest cover and proximity decrease herbivory and increase crop yield via enhanced natural enemies in soybean fields. Journal of Applied Ecology

González, E.; Salvo, A.; Valladares, G. Insects moving through forest-crop edges: a comparison among sampling methods. Journal of Insect Conservation

Fenoglio, M. S.; Rossetti, M. R.; Videla, M. Negative effects of urbanization on terrestrial arthropod communities: a meta-analysis. Global Ecology and Biogeography

Moreno, M. L.; Bernaschini, M. L.; Perez Harguindeguy, N.; Lomba, A.; Valladares, G. Chaco forest fragmentation effects on leaf litter decomposition are not explained by changes in litter fauna. Austral Ecology

Rossi Rotondi, B.; Videla, M.; Beccacece, H.; Fenoglio, S. New records of the exotic band-eyed drone fly, Eristalinus taeniops (Wiedemann, 1818) (Diptera, Syrphidae), in Argentina. Check List

Sánchez Domínguez, M.; González, E.; Fabián, D.; Salvo, A.; Fenoglio, M. S. Arthropod diversity and ecological processes on green roofs in a semi-rural area of Argentina: similarity to neighbor ground habitats and landscape effects. Landscape and Urban Planning

Santos, M.; Cagnolo, L; Roslin, T; Ruperto, E.; Bernaschini, M. L.; Vázquez, D. Robustness of a meta-network to alternative habitat loss scenarios. Oikos

Seidl, M.; González, E.; Kadlec, T.; Saska, P.; Knapp, M. Temporary non-crop habitats within arable fields: the effects of field defects on carabid beetle assemblages. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment


Bernaschini, M. L.; Trumper, E.; Valladares, G.; Salvo, A. Are all edges equal? Microclimatic conditions, geographical orientation and. biological implications in a fragmented forest. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment

Blanco-Torres, A.; Duré, M.; Argenis Bonilla, M.; Cagnolo, L. Predator-prey interactions in anurans of the tropical dry forests of the colombian caribbean: a functional approach. Biotropica

Carbone, L.; Tavella, J.; Pausas, J.; Aguilar, R. A global synthesis of fire effects on pollinators Global Ecology and Biogeography

Cornejo, L.; Corro Molas, B.; Kuzmanich, N.; Martinez, J. New species of rhopalomyia and dasineura (diptera: cecidomyiidae) associated with prosopis caldenia burkart (fabaceae) in argentina. Zootaxa

Galindo-Cardona, A.; Achar, J.; González-brizuela, G.; Martín, E.; Salvo, A; Monmany-garzia, C. First report and molecular determination of Apanteles galleriae Wilkinson (Hymenoptera, Braconidae), a parasitoid of the lesser wax moth Achroia grisella f. (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) in northwest Argentina. Journal of Apicultural Research

Rojas Rodriguez, J.; Rossetti, M. R.; Videla, M. Importancia de las flores en bordes de vegetación espontánea para la comunidad de insectos en huertas agroecológicas de Córdoba, Argentina. Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Rossetti, M. R.; Rösch, V.; Videla, M.; Tscharntke, T.; Batáry, P. Insect and plant traits drive local and landscape effects on herbivory in grassland fragments. Ecosphere

Rossi Rotondi, B.; Bernaschini, M. L.; Musicante, M.; Salvo, A. Forest microsite influence on captures of flying hymenoptera by yellow pan traps. Entomologia Generalis

Santos, M.; Cagnolo, L.; Roslin, T.; Marrero, H. j.; Vázquez, D. Landscape connectivity explains interaction network patterns at multiple scales. Ecology

Tavella, J.; Cagnolo, L. Does fire disturbance affect ant community structure? Insights from spatial co-occurrence networks. Oecologia

Vaschetto, L.; Beccacece, H. M. The emerging importance of non-coding rnas (ncrnas) in the insecticide tolerance, with special emphasis on plutella xylostella (lepidoptera: plutellidae). Wiley interdisciplinary reviews: rna


Arena, J. S.; Omarini, A. B.; Zunino, M. P.; Peschiutta, M. L.; Defagó, M. T.; Zygadlo, J. A. Essential oils from Dysphania ambrosioides and Tagetes minuta enhance the toxicity of a conventional insecticide against Alphitobius diaperinus. Industrial Crops and Products 

Aguilar, R.; Calviño, A.; Ashworth, L.; Aguirre-acosta, N; Carbone, L.; Albrieu-llinás, G.; Nolasco, M.; Ghilardi, A.; Cagnolo, L. Unprecedented plant species loss after a decade in fragmented subtropical Chaco Serrano forests. Plos One

Aguledo, I.; Cogoi, L.; Filip, R.; Kuzmanich, N.; Wajner, M. Anatomy, histochemistry, and comparative analysis of hydroxycinnamic derivatives in healthy leaves and galls induced by Baccharopelma spp. (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in Baccharis spicata (lam) baill (Asteraceae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology

Amundrud, S.; Videla, M.; Srivastava, D. Dispersal barriers and climate determine the geographic distribution of the helicopter damselfly Mecistogaster modesta. Freshwater Biology

Beccacece, H.; San Blas, G.; Drewniak, M.; Barrionuevo, M.; Krauczuk, E.; Chalup, A; Zapata, A. Revision of Aemilia pagana species-group (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae), with a description of a new endemic species and comments on the conservation status. Neotropical Entomology

Fenoglio, M. S.; Videla, M.; Salvo, A; Morales, J. M. Dispersal of the pea leaf miner Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard, 1926) (Diptera: Agromyzidae): a field experiment. Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

González, E.; Buffa, L.; Defagó, M.; Molina, S.; Salvo, A.; Valladares, G. Something is lost and something is gained: loss and replacement of species and functional groups in ant communities at fragmented forests. Landscape Ecology

Herbin, D.; Beccacece, H. Description of three new species of Apatelodidae from the south of neotropical region (Lepidoptera, Bombycoidea). Zookeys

Kuzmanich, N.; Giorgis, M.; Salvo, A. Insect galls from Córdoba, central Argentina: a case where stem galls predominate. Revista de Biología Tropical

Poffo, D. A.; Beccacece, H. M.; Caranti, M. G.; Comes, R. A.; Drewniak, M. E.; Martina, A.; Zapata, A.; Rodriguez, A.; Saffe, J. Migration monitoring of Ascia monuste (Lepidoptera) and Schistocerca cancellata (Orthoptera) in Argentina using rma1 weather radar. Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Tavella, J.; Alvarez Pringles, A. P.; Cagnolo, L. Determinants of ant species spatial distribution in habitats from central Argentina. Community Ecology

Videla, M.; Rossetti, M. R. Flores como recursos alimenticios de un parasitoide y su hospedador plaga: efectos sobre longevidad y preferencia. Acta Zoológica Lilloana


Arena, J. S.; Peschiutta, M. L.; Calvimonte, H.; Zygadlo, J. A. Fumigant and repellent activities of different essential oils alone and combined against the maize weevil (Sitophilus Zeamais Motschulsky). MOJ Bioorganic and Organic Chemistry

Beccacece, H. M. A new species of the genus Bertholdia schaus, 1896 (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae) from the neotropical region: Bertholdia zoenia sp. n. Zootaxa

Beccacece, H. M.; Zapata, A. L. Taxonomic changes of some neotropical species of Arctiini leach (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae). Zootaxa

Carbone, L.; Aguirre-Acosta, N.; Tavella, J; Aguilar, R. Cambios florísticos inducidos por la frecuencia de fuego en el Chaco Serrano. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica

Fenoglio, M. S.; Videla, M.; Morales, J. M. Evaluating trap cropping strategies for insect pest control through simulation models. Journal of Pest Science

Fenoglio, M. S.; Werenkraut, V.; Morales, J. M.; Salvo, A. A hierarchical multi-scale analysis of the spatial relationship between parasitism and host density in urban habitats. Austral Ecology

Ferrante, M.; González, E.; Gabor L., Lovei. Predators do not spill over from forest fragments to maize fields in a landscape mosaic in central Argentina. Ecology and Evolution

González, E.; Beccacece, H. First record of Dysschema sacrifica (Hübner, [1831]) on soybean (Glycine max (l.) Merr) (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Arctiinae). Shilap Revista de Lepidopterología

González, E.; Salvo, A.; Valladares, G. Arthropod communities and biological control in soybean fields: forest cover at landscape scale is more influential than forest proximity. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment

González, E.; Salvo, A.; Valladares, G. Natural vegetation cover in the landscape and edge effects: differential responses of insect orders in a fragmented forest. Insect Science

Moreno, M. L.; Rossetti, M. R.; Pérez-harguindeguy, N.; Valladares, G. R. Edge and herbivory effects on leaf litter decomposability in a subtropical dry forest. Ecological Research;

Niveyro, S.; Salvo, A. Cultural practices to reduce damage by borer insects in commercial cultivars of Amaranthus. Crop Protection

Rossetti, M. R.; Tscharntke, T.; Aguilar, R.; Batáry, P. Responses of insect herbivores and herbivory to habitat fragmentation: a hierarchical meta-analysis. Ecology Letters

Wagner, L.; Fenoglio, M. S.; Salvo, A. Alien species numerically dominate natural enemy communities in urban habitats: a preliminary study. Journal of the Entomological Research Society

Zumoffen, L.; Signorini, M.; Salvo, A. Bidirectional movement of aphid parasitoids (Braconidae: Aphidiinae) between crops and non-crop plants in agroecosystems of central Argentina. Applied Entomology and Zoology


Altamirano, A.; Valladares, G. R.; Kuzmanich, N.; Salvo A. Galling insects in a fragmented forest: incidence of habitat loss, edge effects and plant availability. Journal of Insect Conservation

Bernaschini, M. L.; Moreno, M. L.; Pérez Harguindeguy, N; Valladares, G. Is litter decomposition influenced by forest size and invertebrate detritivores during the dry season in semiarid Chaco Serrano? Journal of Arid Environments

Beccacece, H. M.; Zapata, A. L. Amastus gilvus Köhler, 1924 (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) otro error de etiquetado. Shilap Revista de Lepidopterología

Beccacece, H. M.; Zeballos, S. R.; Zapata, A. L. Changes in species richness and composition of tiger moths (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae) among three neotropical ecoregions. Plos One

Defagó, M. T.; Videla, M.; Valladares, G. To smell you better: prior food deprivation increases herbivore insect responsiveness to host plant odor cues. Journal of Insect Behaviour

Drewniak, M. E.; Zapata, A. L.; Beccacece, H. M.; Ficetti, F. Mariposas diurnas de la reserva natural urbana general San Martín, Córdoba, Argentina (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). Shilap Revista de Lepidopterología

Fayle, T; Sam, K.; Humlova, A; Cagnolo, L; Novotny, V. The lifewebs project: a call for data describing plant-herbivore interaction networks. Frontiers of Biogeography

González, E.; Salvo, A; Defagó, M. T.; Valladares, G. A moveable feast: insects moving at the forest-crop interface are affected by crop phenology and the amount of forest in the landscape. Plos One

Peschiutta, M. L.; Arena, J. S.; Ramírez Sánchez, A.; Gómez Torres, E.; Pizzolito, R. P.; Merlo, C.; Zunino M. P.; Omarini, A. B.; Dambolena, J. S.; Zygadlo, J. A. Effectiveness of Mexican oregano essential oil from the Dominican Republic (Lippia graveolens) against maize pests (Sitophilus zeamais and Fusarium verticillioides). Agriscientia

Salas Gervassio, N. G.; Luna, M. G.; Lee, S.; Salvo, A.; Sanchez, N. B. Trophic web associated with the South American tomato moth Tuta absoluta: implications for its conservation biological control in Argentina. Agricultural and Forest Entomology

Sereno, A. P.; Salvo, A.; Battan Horenstein, M. Trophic interactions between parasitoids and necrophagous flies in central Argentina. Acta Tropica

Zapata, A. L.; Chalup, A. E.; Beccacece, H. M.; San Blas, D. G.; Drewniak, M. E.; Villafañe, N. A. Saturniidae, Sphingidae y Geometridae (Lepidoptera) de la reserva de la biósfera yabotí y sus alrededores. Revista Colombiana de Entomología


Aparicio, L; Fenoglio, M. S.; Videla, M. Leafminer egg distribution at decreasing leaf availability levels: do females avoid intraspecific competition? Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata

Arena, J.; Fenoglio, M. S.; Palacios, S.; Defago, M. T. Effects of Melia azedarach extract on natural enemies of aphids. Biopesticides International

Cagnolo, L.; Tavella, J. The network structure of Myrmecophilic interactions. Ecological Entomology

González, E; Salvo, A; Valladares, G. Arthropods on plants in a fragmented neotropical dry forest: a functional analysis of habitat loss and edge effects. Insect Science

González, E.; Salvo, A; Valladares, G. Sharing enemies: evidence of forest contribution to natural enemy communities in crops, at different spatial scales. Insect Conservation and Diversity

Kuzmanich, N.; Atamirano, A.; Salvo, A. Agallas de insectos de la región rioplatense, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina

Luna, l.; Defago, M. T.; Salvo, A. Estudio exploratorio de la interacción Xanthogaleruca luteola - ulmus spp. en la ciudad de Córdoba. Revista Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales

Monasterolo, M.; Musicante, M. L.; Valladares, G.R.; Salvo, A. Soybean crops may benefit from forest pollinators. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment

Petermann, J.S.; et al. Dominant predators mediate the impact of habitat size on trophic structure in bromeliad invertebrate communities. Ecology

Quispe, I; Fenoglio, M.S. Host- parasitoid interactions on urban roofs: an experimental evaluation to determine plant patch colonisation and resource exploitation. Insect Conservation and Diversity

Zarco, A.; Zapata, A. I.; Beccacece, H. M. Ciclo de vida de Psilopygida crispula (Dognin, 1905) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae, Ceratocampinae). Shilap Revista de Lepidopterología

Zumoffen, L.; Rodriguez, M.; Gerding, M.; Salto, C.; Salvo, A. Plantas, áfidos y parasitoides: interacciones tróficas en agroecosistemas de la provincia de Santa Fe, Argentina y clave para la identificación de los Aphidiinae y Aphelinidae (Hymenoptera) conocidos para la región. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina

Zumoffen, L.; Tavella, J.; Signorini, M.; Salvo, A. Laboratory and field studies to evaluate the potential of an open rearing system of Lysiphlebus testaceipes for the control of Aphis craccivora. Biocontrol


Beccacece, H. M.; Navarro, F. R. Redescripción de Biturix rectilinea (Burmeister, 1878) con comentarios sobre su posición taxonómica (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Arctiinae). Shilap Revista de Lepidopterología

Beccacece, H. M.; Vincent, B. A new species of the genus Mazaeras Walker, 1855 (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae). Zootaxa

Beccacece, H. M.; Vincent, B.; Navarro, F. R. The type-material of Arctiinae (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) described by Burmeister and Berg in the collection of the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Zookeys

De la Torre Manca, S.; Defago, M. T.; Salvo, A. Insectos fitófagos asociados a palmeras en la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina

Heredia, F.; Morera, G.; Robledo, G.; Cagnolo, L.; Urcelay, C. Interacciones entre hongos de la madera (agaricomycete) y árboles nativos y exóticos de un ecosistema urbano (Córdoba, Argentina). Bosque

Moreno, M. L.; Bernaschini, M. L.; Pérez Harguindeguy, N; Valladares, G. Area and edge effects on leaf-litter decomposition in a fragmented subtropical dry forest. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology

Niveyro, S.; Salvo, A. Taxonomic and functional structure of phytophagous insect communities associated with grain amaranth. Neotropical Entomology

Rossetti, M. R.; González, E.; Salvo, A.; Valladares, G. Not all in the same boat: trends and mechanisms in herbivory responses to forest fragmentation differ among insect guilds. Arthropod-Plant Interactions

Salvo, A.; Defago, M. T.; Soulés, A.; Fenoglio, M. S.; Bernaschini, M. L.; Valladares, G. R. Parasitoides, urbanización y condiciones microclimáticas en árboles de la ciudad de Córdoba. Acta Zoologica Lilloana

Sereno, A. P.; Salvo, A.; Battan Horenstein, M. Comunidad de parasitoides (Hymenoptera) de dípteros caliptrados en ambientes urbanos. Acta Zoologica Lilloana

2013 y antes

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