For too long, we've known something hasn't been quite right in Clarke County Schools, but have not been able to put our finger on the source.

As a community, we have focused on people that we believe are problematic, rather than on the policies that allow problematic behavior to thrive.

We have reacted emotionally to decisions that have been made, rather than organizing action to ensure that things happen differently in the future.

We have responded to individual events instead of recognizing that the events are all a symptom of systemic failures. 

The truth is that so many of the mistakes that are made in this district boil down to two things: ineffective BOE policy and a complete lack of accountability for the standard operating procedures meant to uphold BOE policy.

Without addressing the issues related to both policy and the  accountability related to the implementation of policy, we are never going to get out of this dysfunctional cycle.

We must get organized

We are organizing as a team of stakeholders -- guardians, community members, staff, & students -- to focus on a project this summer to research school board policy and district Standard Operating Procedures to uncover the gaps that currently exist. Then, we will bring solutions to the district, advocating for changes so that we can close these gaps that continue to impact our school district negatively. 

"We need to make Clarke County a district where families are eager to join."

-CCSD Parent

"I know there is a teacher shortage, but that is not an excuse to condone teachers, educators, and admin who continually make tragic mistakes and punish teachers who are trying their absolute hardest."

-CCSD Staff Member

What's a Community Audit?

A community audit is a people-powered, volunteer effort to collect and make-public the information that is so often kept obscured and hidden, in an effort to educate the people who are often on the lower end of a power-imbalance in systems of oppression. Click here to learn more.

Who's behind this group?

Hi, It's Jami Mays! My history of advocacy has taught me to trust, but verify. Learn more here.