I'm a fourth year PhD student in Mathematics at the Institute of Mathematics in the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).   

I enjoy coding and designing 3D models of minimal surfaces, periodic tessellations, as well as models in Maya Autodesk based on Python of graphene and nanotube structures. 

My research interests focus on the geometric and topological features of manifolds and complex networks. My doctoral research centers on problems related to geometric topology and its applications. 

Currently I am working as chief of the department of Basic Sciences in ITSMT.

You can download my CV here: CV

Contact Details


Instituto de Matemáticas UNAM

​Área de la Investigación Científica, Circuito exterior, Ciudad Universitaria, 04510, México, CDMX. 


​✉ haydeeperuyero [AT] im.unam.mx


