The Indian Law Society was established in 1923 and the Law College, Poona in 1924 with a very well-focused agenda to impart socially relevant and professionally desired quality legal education on scientific basis as ‘Justice Education’. We also ensure that values underlying the Constitution of India are also promoted and nurtured in the pedagogy.

With a view to walk the talk on inclusive and justice education ILS has spear-headed quality research work for protection and recognition of Rights of vulnerable and marginalized sections of the society. As part of our agenda to promote diversity amongst the students we actively encourage and promote disabled students to pursue legal education from our college we have established equal opportunity cum enabling cell in 2013 to practice inclusion and to help and encourage constructive interaction between disabled and non-disabled students. One of the mottos of Equal Opportunity cum Enabling Cell is to combat stigma around disability and promote accessible and barrier free environment. We at ILS firmly believe that disability has to do much more with socio-economic and legal barriers than physical and mental impairments.

With a view to promote disability studies in general and disability legal studies in particular we aspire to kick-start constructive interaction amongst disabled lawyers, judges and academics by organizing the International Summit on legal professionals with disabilities.