Let's Make Art

The artwork in Let's Look is made using different techniques. Learn more about these processes and try them out with the activities below.

Watercolor and Tempera Paint

The painting, Autumn in Illinois, uses tempera paint, while Untitled, Series IX, #8, 1975 and Big Tent are examples of watercolor. Watercolor paints are thinner and more transparent (slightly clear), and work best with thinner surfaces, like paper. Tempera paints are thicker and keep their bolder color when used. Tempera paint works well on thicker materials such as canvas and wood.

Exploring Watercolor

Dive into the world of watercolor art with one of these art making activities or learn more about watercolor by clicking the buttons below.

Make Your Own Tempera Paint

Learn to make tempera paint using egg as the base, or learn more about tempera and its history by clicking the buttons below.

Printmaking: Lithography and Etching

Printmaking is the process of transferring a picture from one surface to another. Lithography and etching are two different printing methods used to create art works in the exhibit. Poppies and Dove are examples of lithographic printing. Cats and Kittens was created using etching.


Learn more about lithography and its history by clicking the button bellow.


Learn more about etching and its history by clicking the link bellow.

Try your hand at family-friendly etching and other printing methods bellow.


Click the photos to try to finish the painting puzzles.