Illinois Design Educators Association
Fall 2024 - President's Letter
Hello Illinois CAD and Design Educators and Welcome back to a new school year! I hope that you were all able to find time to relax and recharge this summer while enjoying time with family and friends. I look forward to all CTE educators and your students having a great year! IDEA has several things coming up so please share this message with all design educators and any new colleagues!
Fall Semester
We look forward to continued growth with renewal of memberships and new members. Educator dues are $20 if paid by December 31st and $40 if paid on January 1st or after. Membership Google Forms and Dues can be completed and paid online by going to Join IDEA
Fall Conference
Our annual fall conference will be held on October 18th and 19th at ISU and at The Chateau of Bloomington. IDEA is once again working with TEAI to host and plan the conference. The latest information with links to registration can be found on the ITEC Home Page.
Call For Presenters! Help Needed! We are working hard to create a valuable and relevant conference that provides meaningful professional development. As experts of teaching CAD, Drafting, and Design we need your help. We are always looking for new and different ways to keep our students engaged in our courses. If you are interested in presenting a session to demonstrate the new and exciting activities you are doing in your classroom please use this Presenter Form to fill out a session proposal. Free ITEC Registration included if you present a session!
In the opening “general session” we will be presenting our annual awards. Nominations are currently open if you know someone you would like to nominate for an award. Nomination forms are available for both IDEA Educator of the Year and also Friend of IDEA.
We also offer the Dr. Ryan Brown Scholarship for a student attending Illinois State University and who has competed in or been involved (proctor, judge of contests, etc.) in the IDEA State Competition.
Annual Membership Meeting
Our annual membership meeting is for all IDEA members and will be held in person this year at the fall conference on Friday, October 18th at 6:30 pm. The meeting will take place at Turner Hall. Food will be provided!
At the meeting we will hold our annual election of executive board officers and approval of appointed positions. This is a great opportunity for educators to get more involved with IDEA in positions of leadership, communication, financials, conference, and competition planning. We need your help!
Also at the meeting we will be looking at some proposed organizational changes and we are seeking your input and voice! We are always looking to do what is best for our students and teachers and the more involvement and ideas the better our organization will be.
IDEA State Competition
Our annual state CAD, Drafting and Design student competition will be held at ISU on Saturday, April 12th, 2025. Regional competitions across the state will take place from February 13th-March 22nd. Stay tuned for more information and registration details!
Thank You
Thank You for all the hard work you put in day in and day out to educate your students. You are truly making a difference in the lives of countless young people by giving them the skills and confidence needed to help them at the next level in college, the workforce, and as productive members of our society. Please let us know if there is anything more we can do to help you with your teaching and your students' learning of Drafting and Design.
Lastly, Thank You to our IDEA Board of Officers for your passion and all the time and effort that goes into making our organization, conference, and competition experiences the best they can be!
Chris Komer – IDEA President
I.D.E.A. Important Dates
October 18th & 19th 2024: ITEC / IDEA Fall Conference
October 18th 2024: IDEA Annual Membership meeting @ Turner Hall after Tour bus returns
Yearly, December 1st: Architectural Design and Engineering Design Briefs will be posted to the competition page.
Yearly, February 1st: IDEA Regional Competition Registration Due
February 13th - March 22nd 2025: IDEA Regional Competition Window
April 12th 2025: IDEA State Competition @ Illinois State University