
Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM), UIUC Chapter

Graduate Student Chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics

The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) aims to inspire women and girls to pursue studies and establish thriving careers in the mathematical sciences, while promoting equal opportunity and equal treatment within this field.

During my two-year tenure as an academic chair, I've overseen the organization of the AWM graduate student colloquium for four semesters. The primary objective of this colloquium is to cultivate engagement among graduate students at various stages of their academic pursuits and with diverse research interests. This objective is met through sessions where current graduate students from the Illinois department present their ongoing research or related introductory topics to a general mathematical audience. Following the presentations, attendees have the opportunity for informal discussions and refreshments. While the colloquium is organized by the AWM chapter with a focus on graduate students, all faculty members and departmental members were encouraged to attend, regardless of gender.

Mathematics Camp for Middle and High School Students

What is SIM Camp?

SIM Camp is a math day camp spanning a week, organized by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Mathematics, catering to middle and high school students. It aims to unveil the imaginative and exploratory aspects of mathematics to participants. Through showcasing various problem-solving approaches employed by mathematicians, SIM Camp endeavors to inspire attendees to pursue mathematics beyond the high school curriculum.

There were two programs in 2023 SIM Camp; Camp Epsilon (middle school) and Camp Delta (high school). I served as an instructor in Camp Epsilon and a program coordinator in Camp Delta.

Illinois Mathematics Lab(IML) 

Title: (Linear) Poisson structures and their cohomology

Faculty Member: Professor Florian Zieser

Title: Transforms of Functions – Theory and Applications

Faculty Member: Professor Joseph Rosenblatt

IML(Illinois Mathematics Lab), formerly known as IGL (Illinois Geometry Lab), serves as a central hub for undergraduate research initiatives in mathematics. Through generous grant support and the dedicated efforts of faculty, graduate students, and Department of Mathematics alumni, IML has expanded its scope beyond its initial vision. It now facilitates research projects spanning various mathematical disciplines, engages in mathematical outreach to schools and the broader community, and offers enriching summer opportunities for both high school students and undergraduates.

Yonsei OSE Tutoring Program 

Yonsei OSE Tutoring is a program run by the OSE Center in Yonsei University. This student-led learning community pairs a knowledgeable tutor with a student who wants to learn, forming teams to improve understanding of undergraduate subjects. The program offers Eagle Tutoring, Global Tutoring, and department-specific tutoring every semester, including seasonal semesters. On average, 50 teams comprising about 200 students participate each regular semester. Tutors receive additional benefits, such as social service credits and volunteer certificates.

Samsung Dream Class

Samsung Dream Class represents a profound and impactful educational endeavor, made possible by the generous support of the Samsung Welfare Foundation. Designed to run for a duration of three weeks during the summer, this program serves as a beacon of hope for middle school students grappling with significant educational obstacles stemming from economic disadvantages. Ultimately, Samsung Dream Class endeavors to serve as a cornerstone for societal integration, where every individual, regardless of background, has the opportunity to thrive and contribute positively to our collective future.