Problem Sets

Your homework solutions have to be uploaded to gradescope, preferably as pdf files. It is your responsibility to make sure that the files you upload are clearly readable. Here are some suggestions: (i) The best option is to latex your solutions, and convert them to pdf. We strongly suggest this option. A latex template has been provided in compass by the TAs, please use that if you plan to use this option. (ii) Alternatively, there are free apps such as Evernote Scannable for your smartphones which provide good quality pictures of handwritten material. You can use them to take pictures of your handwritten solutions (if your handwriting is legible). Taking pictures with a regular smartphone camera app does not work as well. Additionally, writing your homework solutions in pencil may not work, but writing in pen may give a sharper image after you scan. If you write your solutions by hand, please start the solution to each question on a separate page.

To use Gradescope, please enroll in the course using the entry code: MW8KNB. If you have any questions, please email one of the TAs.

Late homework will not be accepted.

Homework 0, Solutions

Homework 1, Solutions

Homework 2, Solutions

Homework 3, Solutions

Homework 4, Solutions

Homework 5, Solutions

Homework 6, Solutions

Homework 7, Solutions

Homework 8