April 23, 2024 / 3:30-5:30PM

Welcome to the MSPS Research Fair 

Psychology Building Atrium


The students in the Master of Science in Psychological Science program invite you 

to learn about their ongoing research!

Welcome to the MSPS Research Fair!  The projects include completed works and works in progress. As attendees, your feedback, comments, discussion, and questions will help MSPS students hone their ideas, improve their communication skills, and anticipate questions from reviewers and conference attendees. 

We encourage visitors to learn about research outside of their program area. Challenge us to describe our research to you, whoever you are!  We want to avoid the "curse of knowledge"-- a cognitive bias that occurs when an individual, communicating with other individuals, unknowingly assumes that the others have the background to understand. The curse of knowledge impedes science communication, a skill that we highly value! This year, we have created a science communication zine to share our work with people who may be new to psychological science. You can view the zine on the zine tab.

We hope you will learn something new, share your expertise, pick up a zine and enjoy a cookie!


Austin Ashley

Cognitive Psychology

Zixu Gavin Gong

Attention & Perception Psychology

Ethan Hoffman

Behavioral Neuroscience

Kristina Howell

Social & Personality Psychology

Michelle Yujin Kang

Clinical-Community Psychology

Mingjia (Sherlock) Liu

Social & Personality Psychology

Hunter Meyers

Industrial & Organizational  Psychology

Maggie Palmiero

Social & Personality Psychology

Juneun (Jay) Park

Clinical-Community Psychology

Yinuo Peng

Attention & Perception Psychology

Ajith Senthil

Cognitive and Social Psychology

Gloria Sunderland

Social & Personality Psychology

Shuo (Iris) Yan

Clinical-Community Psychology

Yuji (Victoria) Yao

Attention & Perception Psychology

Zeyi (Daisy) Zang

Cognitive Neuroscience

Chenhao Zhao

Clinical-Community Psychology


 Comments and suggestions can be sent to Caroline Tancredy at tancredy@illinois.edu


Psychology Building Atrium

603 E Daniel St. Champaign, IL 61820