The Numerics and Unsteady Flows Group @UIUC
The Numerics and Unsteady Flows Group @UIUC
Welcome! We are a passionate and collaborative group focused on developing and applying robust, high-performance numerical techniques to simulate and analyze complex, unsteady flow behavior. Our energy is often directed towards fluid-structure interaction systems, where the dynamics of the fluid are coupled to the motion of an immersed structure. These multiphysics systems are remarkably beautiful and complex — they exhibit a range of spatio-temporal scales and nonlinearities in the fluid and the structure (and the coupling between them). Fluid-structure interaction systems are also ubiquitous in the natural and engineered world, and understanding them better can lead to micro- and unmanned aerial vehicles with improved maneuverability and robustness in the presence of gusts and uncertainties, bio-inspired vehicles with propulsive benefits compared to traditional craft, and renewable energy technologies with augmented harvesting capacity.
Welcome! We are a passionate and collaborative group focused on developing and applying robust, high-performance numerical techniques to simulate and analyze complex, unsteady flow behavior. Our energy is often directed towards fluid-structure interaction systems, where the dynamics of the fluid are coupled to the motion of an immersed structure. These multiphysics systems are remarkably beautiful and complex — they exhibit a range of spatio-temporal scales and nonlinearities in the fluid and the structure (and the coupling between them). Fluid-structure interaction systems are also ubiquitous in the natural and engineered world, and understanding them better can lead to micro- and unmanned aerial vehicles with improved maneuverability and robustness in the presence of gusts and uncertainties, bio-inspired vehicles with propulsive benefits compared to traditional craft, and renewable energy technologies with augmented harvesting capacity.
Please enjoy exploring the webpage! And if you want to read more, check out Andres's Google Scholar page as a good indicator of some of the team's technical pursuits.
Please enjoy exploring the webpage! And if you want to read more, check out Andres's Google Scholar page as a good indicator of some of the team's technical pursuits.