Minorities in Aerospace

Who we are

MAero is a group of Black, Hispanic, Latino/a, Native American, and ally members comprised of undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff of the Department of Aerospace at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. 

Our mission is to provide a welcoming community and advocate for all marginalized groups including LGBTQ+, disabled people, first-gen students, religious minorities and women. 

More specifically, our focus is to:

In the long term, we will leverage these discussions, activities, and connections to promote a higher enrollment of minorities at all levels, and to foster an environment where students, staff, and faculty from all backgrounds  will thrive and strengthen the department’s productivity and impact within our local, national, and global community

What we do


We come together every two weeks to spend time together as a community. We discuss current events, play games, and catch up with each other. We hope to see you there!


We provide formal and informal mentorship across the many educational levels of our members. Our mentorship program is currently being set up: please join to learn more!


We participate in outreach to local students to help get more kids interested and confident in their STEM abilities.


We inform our members of professional opportunities, seminars, and other events through an email list. Please contact azickur2@illinois.edu if you would like to be added to our mailing list.