
Most of the grad students at the annual Physical Revue!

This could be the Barbieland, but it is just our lab

Staying caffeinated to do more science!

Group dinner (plus friends) during APS March Meeting in Chicago 2022

Pistachio nanotube THz emitter cake for I-MRSEC "Bake your research" competition

Andrea's farewell lunch :(

Our first in-person  "Pancakes and Papers" meeting!

Fahad "enjoying" life and pancakes

Celebrating the end of semester and getting fully vaccinated  with some baked goods

While we bake bread at home to avoid COVID-19, ARPES is being baked in the lab 

After a group lunch to celebrate the end of Fall'19 semester 

Cabinets and counter tops going up slightly behind schedule

Doug Jeffers and crew installing optical tables ahead of schedule!