Sunil Chebolu

At the School of Mathematical Sciences, Univ of Tokyo, Japan 2019

About me

I am a professor in the department of mathematics at Illinois State University. I also hold an adjunct research position in the mathematics department at U.I.U.C. (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

A brief history of my time since college: 

Between 1995 and 2000, I pursued my undergraduate  (B.Stat, 1998) and graduate (M.Stat, 2000) studies in Statistics, focusing on Mathematics, at the  Indian Statistical Institute in Kolkata. As a student in the Visiting Students Research Program (VSRP) at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (T.I.F.R.), I honed my Algebra skills under Amit Roy's guidance during the summers of 1997-1999. I then furthered my education in Mathematics at the University of Washington in Seattle, where I earned my Master of Science (2002) and Doctor of Philosophy (2005) degrees under  John Palmieri's supervision. After obtaining my Ph.D., I spent three years as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Western Ontario in Canada, collaborating with  Jan Minac and Dan Christensen.  In 2008, I became a faculty member at Illinois State University.

Research Interests

My research interests lie at the crossroads of algebra, number theory, and modular representation theory.  Specific topics include ghost maps, Tate Cohomology, Galois Cohomology,  groups of units, Hyperplane arrangements, derived categories of rings, Triangulated Categories, and general recreational Mathematics.

Other Interests

Physics, Astronomy, Cosmology, Computing, Music, and the History of Intellectual Thought - I view all these through a mathematical lens.


Together with Tung Nguyen and Ján Mináč, we organized a special session on “Algebraic methods in graph theory and applications” at the AMS Spring 2024 Central Sectional at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, April 20-21, 2024. See here for the full program.