Students FAQ

This a page to answer FAQ's from students...

Do I have a Google Username and Password?

Yes. It is created for you. When you login you can change your password, your cover photo, and it will also give you access to the Google-Verse of IW.

Can I use the email?

Please do. Students are encouraged to email their teachers about anything they might be needing. You may also send emails to anyone you choose, however, the email is set to receive only email from our own students and faculty here at Illini West. There is a list of specifically ok'd email addresses that can also be received, and if you feel you want to receive email from a specific address please let tech support know.

Docs, Sheets, Slides...what all do I get?

You have accesses to all the basic G Suite applications, as well as a host of add-ons that add functionality to the basic services. If you know of any other applications you would like to use please let Tech Support know and we will research and decide whether to include the applications.

Everything is stored on the cloud, do I have access everywhere?

Yep. You can access from anywhere. Please note, as this is a school provided address everything is saved and visible to Administration...that means anything inappropriate or unacceptable is saved for at least 10 years!