When are applications being accepted?

Applications will be accepted starting November 3 and ending on November 24, 2021.

When will associates be accepted into the Ministry Incubator?

Associates will be notified by December 14th of their acceptance.

What is the schedule for the cohort gatherings?

Please check out the calendar for the specifics. In general cohorts will gather every Friday for 90 minutes.

What resources will Iliff provide for Associates?

The Minsitry Incubator at Iliff School of Theology provides a variety of resources. The primary resources are socio-emotional with a cohort of colleagues currently navigating uncharted ministry waters with you; you also are put in contact with twelve experts in ministry, non-profits, innovation, and more. Iliff provides logistical resources as well including a pro-level Zoom account for the duration of the Incubator, an Iliff email address, and access to Taylor Library. Finally, Iliff works to leverage their broad reach of communications to share Associates and their ministries with the greater Iliff community to foster support.

Please note that the Ministry Incubator does not have a cost associated with it for the Associates, and likewise, Iliff is not extending any financial support to Associates and their ministries.

Will everyone be accepted into the Ministry Incubator?

There are a limited number of spots for the Ministry Incubator. Acceptance into the Incubator will be competitive. Ministry projects and associates will be assessed and accepted based on the projects we believe we can be most helpful for.

What are the expectations of the Associates within the Ministry Incubator?

The Ministry Incubator is a self-guided experience. Like many programs the Associates will get out what they put in. Associates are expected to be at the weekly gatherings on Fridays 9a (MST) for 90 minutes, the 60 minute orientation on January 12, and the 60 minute celebration on June 29. Associates are encouarged to be in communication with eachother between cohort gatherings. Each Associate is asked to offer a 50 minute presentation of their project during one of the cohort gatherings which will be followed up by a Q&A session with their fellow Associates.

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