Reasons to learn languages

Information for Adults

Instruction in a foreign language can have a direct effect on the development of cognitive skills

 Languages can expand your range of thinking

 Transferable skills gained in a language learning class eg discussing in pairs, expressing opinions, working with others, taking part in public discourse

 Learning a new language improves the use of a student’s mother tongues

 Boosts brain power

 Develop strategies for learning that are transferable to other languages and other subjects

 Languages are a life-long skill

 Develops problem-solving skills

Cultural benefits

 Language facility promotes better understanding between cultures

 Relationships with others improved

 Gain better appreciation of other cultures and adds to other subjects such as history, geography, politics, economics, business studies, law

 Very enriching experience

 Increases cultural literacy, cultural enrichment

Social and Societal benefits

 Prepares students to live in a multicultural society and fosters greater tolerance

 Strengthens social cohesion, and mutual understanding

 Understand our identity through the study of language

 Languages support communities and can make others feel more included

 A world-class education system must reflect that the world we live in is multi-lingual

Economic benefits

 Increases employability

 Language learning promotes equal opportunities

 Rapid expansion of e-business driving a need for languages ability. Customer expectations and the high stakes of winning or losing business require competence to work in a customer’s language.

 Makes travelling easier

Information for Students

How will I benefit from learning a language?

Personal benefits

 Enjoyment and personal satisfaction of being able to communicate in a foreign language

 Interesting and challenging

 Make friends with a wider group of people

 Improves confidence

 Shows a wider understanding and an open mind

 Promotes empathy

 Possibility to travel on school trips

Learning benefits

 Instruction in a foreign language can have a direct effect on the development of cognitive skills

 Languages can expand your range of thinking

 Transferable skills gained in a language learning class eg discussing in pairs, expressing opinions, working with others, taking part in public discourse

 Learning a new language improves the use of a student’s mother tongue.

 Boosts brain power

 Develop strategies for learning that are transferable to other languages and other subjects

 Languages are a life-long skill

 Develops problem-solving skills

information for parents.pdf
information for students.pdf