AI / Connected Systems

Connected Systems and Aritifical Intelligence help solve problems at scale. Patient Monitoring, Counselling, and similar innovations can help identify and address the needs of patients better.

On a larger scale, the COVID-19 has caught the entire world off-guard. The next Pandemic will hopefully be arrested with a slew of connected innovations to detect, and address the problems before any escalation.

(App based services for mental health / online counselling)

MASS SCREENING SYSTEM - Using Infrared Cameras and AI

Cost: INR 40,000 per month per camera

Deployment Time: One week

(AI to screen / detect COVID-19 from X-Rays and CT)

(Non-contact less health monitor )

(Wearable Patch for Single lead ECG)

Please Email us on

or call us on any of these Phone Numbers: +91-8790672424 / +91-7989646563 / +91 - 9618537456