विभागीय शोध सुविधाएं / Departmental Research Facilities

Welcome to the Departmental Research Facilities (DRF) web page. Most of the research equipment and departmental facilities are open to researchers or engineers from other institutes or industries as per the availability. The interested person may contact the student coordinator of the respective instrument regarding the availability of that equipment for the intended test/application. The equipment details, the contact information of the student coordinator, and the procedure to be followed can be found below.

Contact Details: 

Staff Coordinator: Mr. Amit Kumar & Mr. Pankaj Thakur

Email ID: me.drf@iitrpr.ac.in

Faculty In-charge: Dr. Chander Shekhar Sharma

Equipment Details:

Information for User:

Accessible through IIT Ropar Email ID only:

Equipment information (for DRF website).docx
Cost calculation sheet.xlsx