Research themes

Human Health

Role of Gut Microbiome in Intestinal Immunity 

We are exploring the gut microbiota dynamics and dysbiosis in immuno-compromised mice as compared to healthy controls using comparative metagenomic analysis of the Whole Shotgun-based metagenomic samples. The study further involves exploring the transcriptome level changes to decipher Host-microbe interactions in mice mono-associated with commensal microbes.

Probiotics and Gut Microbiome

We are performing comprehensive comparative analyses of Probiotic microbes including Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus to explore their genome evolution (pan-genome, selection pressure, strategies of evolution, etc.) and functional aspects (probiotic and survival traits). We are working on developing novel strategies for the identification of these Probiotic taxa from different environments. 

Microbiomes and Traditional Medicinal Systems

Indian Traditional Medicinal System classifies healthy individuals into Prakriti classes (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) based on their physiological characteristics. We explored the gut microbiome variations in these different Prakriti classes at the taxonomic and functional levels using amplicon-based metagenomic analysis. Further, we are exploring the differences and similarities of Indian TMS with other countries, including Korean and Chinese TMS. The gut microbiome of individuals is shaped by overall food habits, lifestyle, and genetic factors. We explored the effect of geographical locations on the gut microbiomes of healthy individuals.


Our immune system is highly efficient in discriminating between self and non-self antigens. However, under certain circumstances, the immune system goes awry and starts attacking the normal and healthy cells or tissues. This condition is termed as an autoimmune condition. There are more than 80 autoimmune diseases identified to date. Despite the ongoing research, the etiology of these diseases remains unknown. Toward this, we are exploring the potential underlying mechanisms associated with autoimmunity. 

Environment and Energy

Indian Traditional Medicinal System classifies healthy individuals into Prakriti classes (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) based on their physiological characteristics. We explored the gut microbiome variations in these different Prakriti classes at the taxonomic and functional levels using amplicon-based metagenomic analysis. Further, we are exploring the differences and similarities of Indian TMS with other countries, including Korean and Chinese TMS. The gut microbiome of individuals is shaped by overall food habits, lifestyle, and genetic factors. We explored the effect of geographical locations on the gut microbiomes of healthy individuals.

Biodegradation of Waste

We are working on exploring novel microbes and their consortia for biodegradation of environmental pollutants, such as natural rubber and plastic waste. We elucidated, for the first time, the novel pathway for the metabolization of natural rubber by a novel microbe Steroidobacter cummioxydans 35Y. We further explored the conserved functional and structural aspects and the evolution of the rubber oxygenase gene in the domain of bacteria.

Waste to Biofuel

We are working towards exploring the metagenomic communities in wastewater from different STPs and domestic waste water treatment plants for various conditions including aerobic, anaerobic, and anoxic processes. We are developing synthetic microbial consortia for the conversion of waste to biofuel.

Identification of Novel Microbes in Extreme Environments

We have used the whole genome shotgun-based metagenomics to sequence unculturable microbes from different environments such as termite gut and mice gut. We are working on exploring the novel microbes living in extreme environments of the Himalayan region, including hot springs, lakes, and high-altitude regions.