Our Sponsors

Our Sponsors

Supported by

Gold Plus Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Other Sponsor

Sponsorship Details

Nature of Sponsorship

Diamond: ₹8 lakhs

Platinum: ₹5 lakhs

Gold Plus: ₹3 lakhs

Gold: ₹2 lakhs

Silver: ₹1 lakh

Any other sponsorship is also accepted.

Details for Sponsorship Categories

DIAMOND: ₹8 Lakhs 

1. The complete conference will be in the name of the company name for the events. 

2. The company can display their products/instrument for the demo throughout the conference. 

3. Two stalls of 1.5 x 1.5 mtr. each with proper enclosure, display board, two tables, four chairs, with all the necessary electronic and other supports will be provided for demo and displaying company brochures.

4. Two lecture slots (15 min. each) will be provided for oral presentations.

5. Two full pages colour advertisement to be added: (1) Inside of the front page and the last page outside of the workshop abstract book.

6. The company logo/name will be displayed in the name-tags and lanyards throughout the workshop.

7. Adequate mention as Diamond sponsor on the website and in all banners and each and every place of the conference.

8. Invitation upto 8 company personnel to all lunch/dinner and other refreshments during the conference workshop.

PLATINUM: ₹5 Lakhs

1. A single day of the conference will be dedicated as the company name for the event. 

2. The company can display their products/instrument for the demo throughout the conference. 

3. Two stalls of 1.5 x 1.5 mtr. each with proper enclosure, display board, two tables, four chairs, with all the necessary electronic and other supports will be provided for demo and displaying company brochures.

4. One lecture slot of 15 mints will be provided for oral presentations.

5. Two full pages colour advertisement will be added in the abstract book. 

6. The company logo/name will be displayed in the name-tags and lanyards throughout the workshop.

7. Adequate mention as Platinum sponsor on the website and in all banners and each and every place of the conference.

8. Invitation upto 5 company personnel to all lunch/dinner and other refreshments during the conference workshop.

GOLD PLUS: ₹3 Lakhs

1. A half day of the conference will be dedicated as the company name for the event. 

2. The company can display their products/instrument for the demo throughout the conference. 

3. One stalls of 1.5 x 1.5 mtr. with proper enclosure, display board, two tables, four chairs, with all the necessary electronic and other supports will be provided for demo and displaying company brochures.

4. One lecture slot of 10 mints will be provided for oral presentations.

5. one full page colour advertisement will be added in the abstract book. 

6. The company logo/name will be displayed in the lanyards throughout the workshop.

7. Adequate mention as Gold plus sponsor on the website and in all banners and each and every place of the conference.

8. Invitation upto 4 company personnel to all lunch/dinner and other refreshments during the conference workshop

GOLD: ₹2 Lakhs

1. A stall (1.5 x 1.5 mtr.) with proper enclosure, display board, a table, two chairs, a power connection for laptop will be provided for displaying company profile/brochures.

2. A full-page colour advertisement to be added in the workshop abstract book.

3. Adequate mention as gold sponsor on the website and all banners.

4. Invitation upto 4 company personnel to all lunch/dinner and other refreshments.

SILVER: ₹1 Lakh

1. A full-page colour advertisement to be added in the workshop abstract book.

2. Adequate mention as silver sponsor on the website and all banners.

3. Invitation upto 2 company personnel to all lunch/dinner and other refreshments to interact with the participants and discuss their products.


1. A half-page colour advertisement to be added in the workshop abstract book.

2. Adequate mention as “Other Sponsors” on the website and all banners.

3. Invitation upto 1 company personnel to all lunch/dinner and other refreshments to interact with the participants and discuss their products.