Functional  Polymers  & Nanomaterials  Lab

School of Chemical Sciences, IIT Mandi, India

The aim of Functional Polymers and Nanomaterials Laboratory (FPN Lab) within the School of Chemical Sciences at Indian Institute of Technology Mandi is to develop functional polymers and colloidal particles with controlled chemical structure and morphology. Taking inspiration from nature, we focus in particular on the chemical design of macromolecules that show stimuli responsive behavior, self-assembly, and programmable degradation.

We are particularly interested in the synthesis of novel micro/nanomaterials and using them for designing interactive materials with active properties for targeted applications such as catalysis, controlled release, plant care in agricultural applications, active packaging, water purification, functional coatings, biomaterials, drug delivery, tissue engineering etc. 


Our Work In The News

The Times of India


Dr. Garima Agrawal

Associate Professor

School of Chemical Sciences, IIT Mandi

Phone: +91-1905-267827 (O)

ORCID: 0000-0002-3391-2378 
