
Schedule at a glance:

Complete Schedule NAIBS 2023.pdf

Talk Details

Day 1 - January 26, 2023

S.P. Arun, IISc Bangalore

Talk Title: If We Can Make Computers Play Chess, Why Can't We Make Them See?

Abstract: If we can make computers play chess and even Jeopardy, then why can't we make them see like us? This is a particularly perplexing question when we consider how we are still asked to recognize distorted letters on websites, which stand as daily proof that computers can't even recognize letters. What makes vision such a hard problem? How does the brain accomplish vision? To answer these questions we are recording brain signals at multiple scales to understand how the brain is solving this problem and using these data to improve computer vision. I will describe some of our recent work in which we have found striking similarities as well as differences between machine and human vision, and have used these differences to improve machine vision.

Saket Navlakha, Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory

Talk Title: Algorithms and data structures in the fruit fly brain

Abstract: A fundamental challenge in neuroscience is to understand the algorithms that neural circuits have evolved to solve computational problems critical for survival. In this talk, I will describe how the olfactory circuit in the fruit fly brain has evolved simple yet effective algorithms to process and store odors. First, I will describe how fruit flies use a variant of a traditional computer science algorithm (called locality-sensitive hashing) to perform efficient similarity searches. Second, I will describe how this circuit uses a variant of a classic data structure (called a Bloom filter) to perform novelty detection for odors. In both cases, we show that tricks from biology can be translated to improve machine computation, while also raising new hypotheses about neural function.

Tomaso Poggio, MIT

Talk Title: The Science and the Engineering of Intelligence

Abstract: In recent years, artificial intelligence researchers have built impressive systems. Two of my former postdocs — Demis Hassabis and Amnon Shashua — are behind two main recent success stories of AI: AlphaGo and Mobileye, based on two key algorithms, both originally suggested by discoveries in neuroscience: deep learning and reinforcement learning. But now recent engineering advances of the last 4 years — such as transformers, perceivers and MLP mixers— prompt an interesting question: will science or engineering win the race for AI? Do we need to understand the brain in order to build intelligent machines? or not? A deeper question is whether there exist a theoretical explanation — a common motif — for those network architectures, including the human brain, that perform so well in learning tasks. I will discuss the conjecture that for computable functions of many variables, compositional sparsity is equivalent to computability in polynomial time.

Day 2 - January 27, 2023

Joscha Bach, Intel Labs

Talk Title: Generalist AI beyond Deep Learning

Abstract: We can understand intelligence as the ability to find a path through a space of computable functions. Deep Learning allows to make this search tractable by using a differentiable space, and representing the functions using chains of weighted sums of real numbers. Deep Learning currently represents the only paradigm that works at scale for building increasingly generalist AI. At the same time, human intelligence converges towards generality using a fraction of the data and (by most measures) compute that our dominant approaches require. Let us look at a set of paradigms beyond ANNs that could lead to viable alternatives for achieving intelligent agency, and may help us to understand intelligence in biological systems.

B. Ravindran, IIT Madras

Talk Title: Reinforcement Learning - An Introduction

Abstract: Reinforcement learning is a paradigm that aims to model the trial-and-error learning process that is needed in many problem situations where explicit instructive signals are not available. It has roots in operations research, behavioural psychology and AI. Recently Deep Reinforcement Learning methods have achieved significant success by marrying the representation learning power of deep networks and the control learning abilities of RL. This has resulted in some of the most significant recent breakthroughs in AI such as the Atari game player and the Alpha Go engine from Deepmind. This success has opened up new lines of research and revived old ones in the RL community. In this talk, I will introduce reinforcement learning and some of the biological underpinnings of the developments

V. Srinivasa Chakravarthy, IIT Madras

Talk Title: Computing with Rhythms: The search for Deep Oscillatory Neural Networks

Abstract: "Oscillatory phenomena are ubiquitous in the brain. Although there are oscillator-based models of brain dynamics, they do not seem to enjoy the universal computational properties of rate-coded and spiking neuron network models. Use of oscillator-based models is often limited to special phenomena like locomotor rhythms and oscillatory attractor-based memories. If neuronal ensembles are taken to be the basic functional units of brain dynamics, it is desirable to develop oscillator-based models that can explain a wide variety of neural phenomena. To this end, we aim to develop a generalized network of oscillatory neurons. Specifically we propose a novel neural network architecture consisting of Hopf oscillators described in the complex domain. The oscillators can adapt their intrinsic frequencies by tracking the frequency components of the input signals. The oscillators are also laterally connected with each other through a special form of coupling we labeled as “power coupling”. Power coupling allows two oscillators with arbitrarily different intrinsic frequencies to interact at a constant normalized phase difference. The network can be operated in two phases. In the encoding phase the oscillators comprising the network perform a Fourier-like decomposition of the input signal(s). In the reconstruction phase, outputs the trained oscillators are combined to reconstruct the training signals. As a salient example, the network can be trained to reconstruct Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, paving the way to an exciting class of large scale brain models.

Arjun Ramakrishnan, IIT Kanpur

Talk Title: Neuroengineering for Mental Health: Understanding the Mechanisms Underlying Suboptimal Decision Making in Anxious Individuals

Abstract: Animals, including humans, are near optimal foragers – that can maximize reward and minimize costs -- as prescribed by normative models like the Marginal Value Theorem (MVT). However, an individual’s foraging behavior can vary considerably. We hypothesized that susceptibility to stress and anxiety may partially underlie these adaptive changes. This is because the anterior cingulate cortex and the locus coeruleus norepinephrinergic neurons, that are implicated in reward-effort calculations, that are central to foraging decisions, are also influenced by stress and anxiety via the neuroendocrine system. Using this approach along with computational process models we have developed a sensitive assay for conditions like trait anxiety.

Santanu Chaudhury, IIT Jodhpur

Talk Title: Context and Grounding: Towards Next Gen AI

Abstract: TBD

Tapan Gandhi, IIT Delhi

Talk Title: Understanding Brain and Advancing AI

Abstract: The fields of neuroscience and artificial intelligence (AI) have a long and intertwined history. In more recent times, however, communication and collaboration between the two fields has become less commonplace. Understanding how the brain works is considered to be one of the greatest frontiers in modern science and technology. Research in this area is driven not only by curiosity, but also the possibility of making a profound impact on the real world. By advancing our knowledge about the brain, we can help the many millions of people who suffer from neurological disorders, and also realize the promise of artificial intelligence. In my talk, I will highlight some of our work that we have undertaken at the intersection of Neuroscience and AI in last few years. Through our work, I will demonstrate how humanitarian research will help in advancement of fundamental science that has huge societal impact and in the same time will inspire in building intelligent machines for future applications.

Chhanda Chakraborti, IIT Jodhpur

Talk Title: A Few Ethical Musings at the Edge of Next-Gen AI

Abstract: Advancement in Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken giant strides. To further its already formidable capabilities, lately, among other things, learnings from brain science also have been drawn to guide the progress of future AI, with the possibilities of unprecedented benefits for society. At this juncture, this talk tries to position a few points of ethical concern; such as possible erosion of autonomy and privacy, more powerful manipulation by persuasive technology, newer forms of social inequalities, from the perspective of overall societal concerns. As new technologies emerge and as they give us more power to act, they challenge us to make choices which we have not made before. Our judgement on these new choices should be well-deliberated, and ethically informed. In this talk, I present some of these ethical questions and choices which the progress in AI has thrown up, and to which, we, as a society, must collectively find the answers.

Nancy Kanwisher, MIT

Talk Title: Functional Imaging of the Human Brain: A Window into the Architecture of the Mind

Abstract: The last 20 years of brain imaging research has revealed the functional organization of the human brain in glorious detail. This work has identified a set of regions of the cortex, each of which is specifically engaged in a particular mental task, like the recognition of faces and places, perceiving speech sounds, understanding the meaning of a sentence, and thinking about another person’s thoughts. Each of these regions is present, in approximately the same location, in virtually every normal person. This new map counts as progress, but at the same time reveals a vast landscape of unanswered questions. What is the causal role of each of these regions in behavior? What other specialized regions exist in the cortex, and what are they specialized for? How do these regions arise in development, and how much of the organization of the brain is specified at birth? What computations go on in each region. And perhaps most fundamentally, why, from a computational point of view, is the brain organized the way it is, with this combination of highly specialized brain regions, along with very general-purpose systems? These open questions are harder to answer, but I will describe some of our recent efforts to chip away at them.

Susan Goldin-Meadow, University of Chicage

Talk Title: The mind hidden in our hands

Abstract: Gesture is versatile in form and function. Under certain circumstances, gesture can substitute for speech, and when it does, it embodies the properties of language that children themselves bring to language learning, and underscores the resilience of language itself. Under other circumstances, gesture can form a fully integrated system with speech. When it does, it both predicts and promotes learning, and underscores the resilience of gesture in thinking. Together, these lines of research show how much of our minds is hidden in our hands.

Day 3 - January 28, 2023

Subbarao Kambhampati, Arizona State university

Talk Title: Symbols as a Lingua Franca for Supporting Human-AI Interaction For Explainable and Advisable AI Systems

Abstract: Despite the surprising power of many modern AI systems that often learn their own representations, there is significant discontent about their inscrutability and the attendant problems in their ability to interact with humans. While alternatives such as neuro-symbolic approaches have been proposed, there is a lack of consensus on what they are about. There are often two independent motivations (i) symbols as a lingua franca for human-AI interaction and (ii) symbols as system-produced abstractions used by the AI system in its internal reasoning. The jury is still out on whether AI systems will need to use symbols in their internal reasoning to achieve general intelligence capabilities. Whatever the answer there is, the need for (human-understandable) symbols in human-AI interaction seems quite compelling. In particular, humans would be interested in providing explicit (symbolic) knowledge and advice -- and expect machine explanations in kind. This alone requires AI systems to maintain a symbolic interface for interaction with humans. In this talk, I will motivate this point of view, and describe recent efforts in our research group along this direction.

Jinjun Xiong, University of Buffalo

Talk Title: VisualNet: A Novel Statistical Distribution-based Deep Neural Network Model and its Connection to the Human Visual System

Abstract: The impressive results achieved by deep neural networks (DNNs) in various tasks, computer vision in particular, such as image recognition, object detection and image segmentation, have sparked the recent surging interests in artificial intelligence (AI) from both the industry and the academia alike. The wide adoption of DNN models in real-time applications has, however, brought up a need for more effective training of an easily parallelizable DNN model for low latency and high throughput. This is particularly challenging because of DNN's deep structures. To address this challenge, we observe that most of existing DNN models operate on deterministic numbers and process one single frame of image at a time, and may not fully utilize the temporal and contextual correlation typically present in multiple channels of the same image or adjacent frames from a video. Based on well-established statistical timing analysis foundations from the EDA domain, we propose a novel statistical distribution-based DNN model that extends existing DNN architectures but operates directly on correlated distributions rather than deterministic numbers. This new perspective of training DNN has resulted in surprising effects on achieving not only improved learning accuracy, but also reduced latency and increased high throughputs. Moreover, we show how such a network seems to be a a more realistic capture of the end-to-end human visual system. Preliminary experimental results on various tasks, including image classification, object detection, and 3D Cardiac Cine MRI segmentation, showed a great potential of this new type of DNN model (which we call VisualNet), which warrants further investigation.

Richa Singh, IIT Jodhpur

Talk Title: TBD

Abstract: TBD

V. Ramaswamy, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad

Talk Title: Understanding Brains & Deep Networks - Past, Present and Future

Abstract: A central goal of Neuroscience has been in building an understanding of the principles that govern computation in the brain. As a result, the field collectively has contemplated the question of what understanding might mean, what form it would take, and how we can get to it. Classically, Neuroscience was significantly limited in the availability of experimental tools, especially at the neural circuit level, which restricted our ability to operationalise these questions. More recent revolutionary advances in experimental techniques, however, have removed many of these barriers and we are confronted again with how exactly we should use these powerful techniques to distill an understanding of how brains work. Parallelly, over the last 10 years, the field of Deep Learning has leapfrogged AI into an era where multiple classical problems that were unsolved for decades are seeing successful everyday deployment. These advances have, however, not come with a concomitant deep understanding of the principles that govern computation in Deep Networks. Some argue that a lack of such understanding is hindering further advances, although such an understanding is also important for it’s own sake and in possibly inspiring hypotheses in Neuroscience. In this talk, I will survey some of these developments, in the past and present, and touch upon some of our own work in this direction. This is an extremely active and exciting area of research both in Neuroscience and in Machine Learning and indeed many of the important advances are arguably still ahead of us.

Dipanjan Roy, IIT Jodhpur

Talk Title: Bayesian Inference in Time and Disruption of the Prefrontal Code of Emotion Dynamics with Aging

Abstract: Affective experiences drive several higher-order cognitive processes, complex social behaviors, and guide perception, which is why its change with age has been an important area of research for years. Empirical evidence hints towards a bias associated with older individuals while experiencing positive emotions which has mainly been attributed to the ‘positivity effect’. While previous studies mostly used the two-dimensional framework of discrete emotions to investigate these changes, controlled stimuli ignored the complexity and temporal dynamics of real-world affective experiences. Crucially, owing to the lack of a theoretical or computational model, the ‘positivity effect’ has failed to explain opposing evidence in varied contexts. Here, we used naturalistic movie-watching tasks with fMRI to investigate whether the differential emotional experience of older individuals can be attributed to the change in the representation of uncertainty about future uncertainty estimation and outcomes. Our hypothesis is grounded on recent evidence showing that uncertainty is critical in modulating human emotion dynamics. The Bayesian Brain hypothesis posits that an accurate uncertainty estimation is crucial for optimal perception and higher-order cognitive processes. This, combined with the evidence from reinforcement learning shows an incomplete representation of uncertainty in older individuals propelled us to investigate our hypothesis from a representational and computational aspect, which remains critically underexplored in aging literature.

Dip Sankar Banerjee, IIT Jodhpur

Talk Title: Brain Inspired Computing and Systems

Abstract: Recent advances in VLSI and systems design has led to significant success in the general area of machine learning, specifically Deep Learning. However with the limitations imposed by Dennard Scaling, and the power wall, newer investigations have been necessitated towards future systems that can move away from von-Neumann philosophies keeping intact the usabilitties of general purpose processors. Brain inspired designs are now considered to be the "holy-grail" of future breakthroughs given the massive computations that the human brain can perform at a minimal power requirement. It has led to several innovations and designs that are slowly paving the path towards the future of computing. In this talk, we shall see an overview of these designs, the fundamental research that is happening and some of the special architectures along these lines that have found significant scientific as well as commercial success. We shall also discuss some of the future directions where we can look to innovate in an interdisciplinary manner.

Rohan Paul, IIT Delhi

Talk Title: Bridging the Semantic Gap Between Humans and Robots

Abstract: Robots are transitioning from restricted isolates environments to domains where they will increasingly interact with humans. Applications include robots in the factories, homes, search and rescue etc. In order to work along side humans, robots must possess a cognitive “human-like” understanding of the world. This talk will explore an AI-based framework for allowing robots to follow high-level instructions from a human, plan and execute semantic tasks and physically explore the environment to resolve ambiguity.

Amit Bhardwaj, IIT Jodhpur

Talk Title: Data-driven Haptics: Applications in Medical simulators and Telemedicine

Abstract: Unlike other senses, the haptics- the sense of touch has not been explored much. Because of the advancement in the field of machine haptics and availability of high-quality haptic interfaces, haptics has gained a lot of attention in the field of medical training and teleoperation. In this talk, I will be talking about the applications of machine learning in haptics for developing medical simulators and tele-medicine solutions.