HydroMonitoring Lab

The major aspect of our work is advancing the knowledge and understanding of hydroclimatic extremes in the current and future climate. Our research addresses the key question: How can we develop effective strategies and understanding of hydroclimatic processes to reduce the risk from hydroclimatic extremes?

Selected work

Our research focuses on the real-time monitoring of hydroclimatic extremes, reliable sub-seasonal to seasonal forecast of hydroclimatic extremes, hydroclimatic processes under changing and anthropogenic climate, and the impact of hydroclimatic extremes on water availability, food, energy, and environment. 




Research work Published -Journals

Media Coverage of our Research

 Prospective Students

I am looking for motivated and hardworking students having a strong interest in my research (Surface Hydrology, Water Resources Engineering, Human-Water system, and Hydroclimatic extremes). If you are interested in joining my group to pursue your internship, project, or Ph.D., please get in touch with me at saran.aadhar@iitj.ac.in to discuss the possibilities.

Get in touch at saran.aadhar@iitj.ac.in